Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Loving the Family!

Well, we have been in Mississippi for a week now and having so much fun! It is so good to see family and especially to meet my little nephew Ethan! He is so adorable! Brett and Kim are such sweet parents...that little boy is truly blessed! And I have finally met my sister-in-law to be and she is the greatest! She is so beautiful and truly one of the sweetest girls I have ever met! I love her already! God is so good! I'll try and post pictures later of the baby:)

Wes went on his first deer hunt with his uncles this past weekend! He was able to wittness his Uncle Tim get a HUGE buck! He was dissappointed though that he wasn't able to kill a deer too!

Right now I am at my sister's house in Jonesboro AR visiting for a couple of days! We shopped till we dropped yesterday~! Emmy Grace is here with me and Wesley is with my mom in Mississippi! It has been so relaxing just visiting people and enjoying family! I do however miss my VERY sweet husband who has been working hard while I've been gone! He shot a caribou last week and now our freezer is full of delicious meat again! YEAH! I love being married to a mountain man!

I promise to post picture of our trip as soon as possible!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Jonesboro! That's super close to us! E-mail if you get a chance to visit down our way. (Greenbrier/Damascus area.)
