Saturday, April 11, 2009

Is God Stronger Than My Daddy?

Tonight was a precious time. I was putting the kids to bed and we were going over the Easter Story. We were talking about how Jesus died on the cross for us and rose again. I told him that God is so strong and that once we believe in Him with all of our heart, and choose to love and follow Him then God wraps us in His hands and nothing can pry us out! He thought that was really cool...I told him that God is stronger than the strongest super hero he had ever seen! Stronger than Iron Man, stronger than Super Man, Spider Man, stronger than a Transformer, that God was the strongest of all! Funny how he had no problem believing that God is stronger than those larger than life super heros but he did have a problem.
He asked, "Mommy, is God even stronger than my daddy?"

I answered, "Yes Wes, God is even stronger than daddy!"

He replied, "WOW, He must be REALLY strong then!"

My heart smiled at the thought of his love for his daddy! It's amazing at how much that little guy adores and looks up to Travis! My prayer is one day he will put as much faith in his Heavenly Father as he has in his Earthly father. B/c as wonderful as Travis is, we all fail! Only Jesus alone will forever be faithful and never let us down. Wesley loves Jesus. I just don't want to pressure him into a decision as big as eternity! I want him to know what he believes...and be excited to live a life devoted to Christ! I know one day it will happen, his heart is so sensitive to the things of the Lord. God's timing is so much greater than my own!

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