Friday, December 4, 2009

LIttle Girls!

I am sitting here at this computer, trying to write something amazing, and all I see before me is this little girl, twirling and spinning, dancing and singing, pretending she is a beautiful princess! Well, in my book, she doesn't have to pretend very hard! She is the most glorious little girl God ever created! She makes me smile! I love my boys, don't get me wrong! They are rough and tough...they love to get dirty, and run and play! They give me the biggest bear hugs and LOVE to make me laugh! Boys are the ulitmate FUN! But a little girl...there is just something special about a little girl and her mommy! And my little girl is the girliest girl you could ever imagine! She loves pink, and sparkles, princesses and babydolls! She loves to sing and DANCE! But my favorite is when she twirls! SHe dresses up in her pretty dresses and twirls! I see the sparkle in her eyes...she is a princess for sure! My heart swells so big...b/c I know the EXACT feeling she feels...for once I was a little girl in a pretty dress...twirling and singing and dancing! Oh the joys of being a little girl! It is the best feeling EVER!

And tomorrow...we are dressing up in our PRETTIEST dresses, and going out to a fance dinner, and then our first ever night at the BALLET! THe NUTCRACKER! I am so excited! It is going to be so splendid! (And she is excited too!) I can't wait...I'll post pictures tomorrow...awww...thank you Jesus for my little girl!

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