Friday, April 10, 2009

Funny Story...

I have to post this story! Some might think it gross but it is my little girl and one day this stage will only be a memory! I don't want to forget how funny she is:)

Emmy Grace started potty-training back in September of last year. She did so great! And so, since then, she has been using the potty all by herself! I LOVE IT! But what she says cracks me up. When she needs to pee, she will proclaim that she needs to "poop water!" And if she truly needs to poop, she will announce for all to hear, "I NEED TO POOP A WHALE! A BIG WHALE!" It used to be she needed to "poop a fish"...but then the fish graduated to a WHALE! It is cute until you get in public...and in the middle of the commissary she yells out..."Hurry mommy, the whale is coming RIGHT NOW! I need to potty!" she dances around and then we all take off running to the bathroom!

Oh the joys of being a mommy!


Lindsay said...

Once Rodney said he had to go to the B.R. to "lay an egg", but luckily we were in the privacy of our own home for that one...

Molly Huggins said...