Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Miracles...always fun to Remember!

My baby girl turned 3 yesterday! I still can't believe it! We had a beautiful little princess party for her and as she opened her presents, blew out her candles, and smiled so sweetly as we sang her "Happy Birthday" song, I just sat and thanked God for her life and the blessing that she is to us! To think that she almost didn't make it in this world! Every birthday that passes, I am reminded of God's goodness and grace! That he heard and answered our desperate cries and healed our little girl! How each prayer that we lifted up, He came to our rescue in ways we never even dreamed possible! We are truly blessed and I just had to give Him praise! What a mighty God we serve!

Emmy Grace is such an amazing little person! She radiates light and love! I am so thankful God gave me a little girl...and even better yet, a little girly girl! I love her so much!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Halibut Fishing Trip!

Travis, Brett and Dave went out fishing for Halibut down in Nilnilchook! They were very successful...although Dave threw up the whole time...I think they still had a good time and came back with tons of fish!

A Beautiful Day

We took a trip to Anchorage b/c Travis had a couple jobs there. The 2nd day we were there the sun was so beautiful and we took the kids for a walk on the boardwalk down by the water. It was gorgeous!

Camping in Delta!

So over Memorial Day we went camping with Brett and Kim in Delta. It was so much fun! A little hard being 8 months pregnant...but we still had a wonderful time!

A Broken Finger:(

I had to add this post! Right before Memorial Day, we were at my parents house and Travis and Brett were cutting wood for our camping trip. All of a sudden Travis comes storming in the house stating that I needed to take him to the Emergency Room NOW!!! He was holding his finger and blood was going everywhere! He had chopped his finger all the way down to the bone with his axe! I rushed him to the ER and they did an xray and discoverd that he had indeed cut the bone. But nothing deters my husband...we still went camping that next weekend and he still managed to play in the Dixie Band...playing bangjo with just 3 fingers! He is truly amazing!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


This year was our church's first year doing AWANAs. It was so great! Wesley was in Cubbies and memorized all his verses in his whole booK! We were so proud of him. Emmy was awarded the "wannabe Cubbie" award! She went to alot of Wesley's classes and did pretty good. She even memorized a couple of verses. We can't wait till next year!

A Picnic at the River:)

For Travis' birthday we had a day spent at the river. Our dear friends, the Kings, and Brett and Kim joined us. It was so much fun! It was our first adventure of the summer. We grilled out, played some games and just spent time together. Friends are truly a blessing from the Lord!

A trip to Anchorage:)

Back in April, we took a little trip to Anchorage for Emmy's eye doctor's appointment. Mimi and Aunt Kim went with us. All good reports, Emmy's eyes are doing wonderful! The doctor said she probably won't even need glasses! YEAY! Here are a few pictures of our trip!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wesley's Birthday!


We had a bowling party for Wesley's party. We also took him to ride go carts. Fun times!