Monday, April 25, 2011


A tragic loss. A military wife's worst fear becomes a reality. Gone. A life taken in just a breath. Sadness. Tears fall freely as we grieve a hero fallen. So selflessly he served. So selflessly he gave. And so selflessly he died.

I have never met this solider. This man who sacrificed his life so that I might live in freedom upon this soil. Yet I watch his family mourn. My heart hurts in desperate sorrow for the pain that comes from loosing someone so quickly and so sudden. A wife with a 5 month old baby. A brother. A sister. A friend. Yet in their grief, I see something miraculous. I see the GLORY OF GOD! For this solider fought in a battle much greater than this earthly one. He served a Commander more powerful than this fleshly army can afford. He served a KING. And not just any king, but the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS! And when his earthly life was taken, he found himself face to face with the Creator Himself. What a glorious day! And I watch tears of sadness turn into tears of joy for this solider taken...transported to his final home. I see strength as this family worships that same King, only this side of heaven instead of there. I watch tears fall and I see peace settle over hearts lonely for this man who literally gave his all. I see joy gained as they lift their voices to Majesty Himself...proclaiming that God is still good no matter what the day brings forth. And my heart sings with thanksgiving so great that human minds can never comprehend what we celebrate! Only the Spirit provides the understanding...and in that, I find rejoicing so pure and delight so eternal!

My heart holds this precious family in constant prayer...for the days ahead will not be easy. Loss is never light. Fear threatens to steal the peace that they so desperately hold fast too. But victory stretches ITSELF across the heavens and my prayer is that God will keep them the hard and in the good...Please pray for this sweet family.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wesley's Birthday

Well, my baby is 7 today! 7 years of being a mommy! I have loved every single second of this crazy dream come true! Wesley Travis Anderson. He is my firstborn...the angel that brought me straight into motherhood! I am so thankful for this boy. He is joy wrapped up in "manboy". He loves life with every ounce of who he is! He loves others and desires to see others happy! He loves Jesus. He is content. He is a giver. He is so tenderhearted. He sees the best in every situation. My heart could almost burst from the love I have for him. He strives to do well in everything he tries. I see him growing. My prayer is that he will continue to follow after Jesus all the days of his life. I pray sin doesn't overwelm him but he stays the course. I pray that his passion for Jesus far outweighs any other desire that springs up in his heart. I pray. I pray with all my heart that his little heart is strong in the Lord and in the power of His might! I PRAY! From now until forever, I will pray! And one of the best things of all...he is learning to be thankful! To speak "thankful". To write "thankful". To be "THANKFUL!" To LIVE THANKFUL! My heart is overwelmed with thankful for this little boy! Happy Birthday Wesley!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I love my man

I do because he is cool.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011


The last kiss given as I tuck little hands and feet into blankets "hot dog" tight...lights turned out...quiet meets me at the bottom of the stairs and I sit for the first time in my day. I feel myself exhale...I sense the stress of day lived hard...and I breathe in the lingering moments of grace day given. I ponder over the words spoken...the ideas birthed...the joy played out through young and carefree...I wonder if it was well lived. Did this day bring glory to my Maker? Did I honor Your Name above all others? Were my moments spent seeking You? Or did they lie waste to my selfish demands? My spirit trembles at the answer to those hard and hurtful questions. For I see deep...and pain writhes in the recesses of my soul. I confess. You forgive. I bow low. I give thanks. You give grace. I rejoice. You receive the glory. Glory for wonders mankind can never fathom creating. Miracle moments God-breathed and God-inspired! God-Stuff! Big Stuff! A heart changed. Forgiveness learned. Truth revealed. Relationship restored. A soul saved. A life birthed. Prayers answered. Timing perfected. Beauty formed from ashes burned. Selfish demands surrendered. Glory raised. Joy Found. Trust begun. The hard embraced. God-Stuff! And I sit as the last moment turns into the wee hours of tomorrow and I see You. I know You are near...working it all out of Your glory...working it all out for the good to them that love You and are called according to Your purpose. You are working! You are near! And my heart beats faster and my spirit begins to sing within for I know! I KNOW! How I know and how I rejoice! This day is God-given...and Your grace fills the time and spaces...and I shout my praise with ever fiber You have made up of my being. Praise You King of Kings and Lord of LORDS!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Turning a Mess into Praise!

Broken, twisted, such a mess this heart of mine. Oozing over with grime and ick. Filled with selfish desires and plans...squeezing Christ right out of the mix. And I feel the hurt...the hurt that rises up and out...the hurt of a thousand confessions bubbling up inside. How the hurt suffocates! I can barely breathe. Before I even pour that first cup of coffee, before I open that quiet moment of refresh with my Saviour, my world is spinning out of control and my day turns to mush before my sleepy eyes. Tears blurr my sight as I try and scramble together the mess and spills...Oh Jesus, how I need You! And before the prayer escapes my lips, I know that He is there. I don't know "why"...for I shame His Name more than I can count...but He is there. He knows my heart. He feels my hurt. He is ready to make sense of the mess I've made. I know that I don't deserve it. I shrink away from His arms of grace. But He engulfs me in an embrace that only spirit and soul can comprehend. Peace settles over my heart. My mind is cleared for the moment...and His glory radiates from the inner recesses of my very core! I feel alive again...a feeling that I haven't felt in quite a while. Alive and JOY! Joy is leaping out of my heart once more. It has been hidden beneath the pain and hurt...the despair and depression. But Joy makes its come back and my heart overflows. Thank You precious Saviour for finding the middle of my mess...for capturing my heart and shining Your glory through me! It is all about You and I am honored to be apart of Your story! Thank You Jesus!