The quiet finally surrounds me. The busy has stopped. The day is gone and I sit in the quiet, full of wonder and full of thanks. My heart is filled to almost bursting, as I marvel at all the Lord has done…at all the Lord IS! These moments are indeed my favorite of all. The sitting and the soaking up the best of Jesus. Oh, I know the “doing” and the “serving” and the “putting feet to my faith” is how His Love is fleshed out through me…but if I had to claim a favorite moment with my Lord, it’s hands-down the quiet and the still.
B/c only in the silence, do I hear Him speak the loudest.
In my calm-He roars to life with the richest blessing human form can ever behold! His Presence! A Glimpse of Eternity.
It is when I finally shut my mouth, that I can hear His glory trumpet across my world! As soon as I “cease striving” – He begins to work His wonders into my everyday life. And He leaves me speechless in amazement.
He is God. He is BIG. And He wants to be God and be Big in our lives…but He wants us to MOVE out of the way and let Him! We fill our days with busy and loud and people and stuff…we fill each moment with words…words through talking and reading and music…and we forget how to be quiet. We avoid the silence b/c maybe we fear? We fear what He might say? What He might ask of us? I don’t know…but our fears are foolish. B/c when we are still…really still…we can hear Him! He, the Creator of the universe, allows us to hear Him speak! And His words are good! They are life and truth and healing and beauty. They are glory revealed and majesty proclaimed. They refresh and restore. They bring hope and freedom.
As I sat down to type this post, these were not the words I had intended to write. I had just wanted to update the blog…but these are the words that came tumbling onto the screen…for these are the words God has placed upon my heart. This is the message He is breathing into my soul. I feel His wind blowing and His Spirit beckoning me
to listen.
to stop.
to be still.
to bask in His Presence.
to glory in Who He IS.
to stop asking and start praising.
to THANK Him instead of always REQUESTING of Him.
to Acknowledge Him as King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
to Shout it from the mountain tops that My God REIGNS!
to lay aside the drama that surrounds my days and plant my feet in the rich soil of His God-head.
to exchange MY words for more of HIS words.
to let the Joy of a Redeemer overwhelm me and overtake every fiber of who I am.
to stand in victory daily b/c I am chosen and changed.
to let His divine PLAN become the heartbeat of my days…the message of my life.
I am left UNDONE this night…in this quiet stillness…there is only JESUS!
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