Monday, May 16, 2011

Mommy Blessings:)

He is here, and my heart is happy. A weekend of children...of noise and chaos...and pure joy! They laugh and I feel HIM. They giggle and run and play and I sense HIS presence. They are HIS. I am HIS. We share the same FATHER...and in the fun and insanity of life, HE is near. My heart is pressed with His goodness and grace. I listen to their "pretend"...their hours of "play". A smile escapes the corners of my soul and in the moment of contentment, my mommy heart is filled to the brim and I want to dance and sing for the joy that God has given in the blessing of being their mother!

The world may shout at me to "BE MORE". Make a name for successful...have a career...make a difference...BE SOMEBODY! But the peace of my inner most being exclaims that I AM! I am fulfilling a dream God placed in me since I was a little girl. My name is mommy...and I am so happy! I love this life God has granted me to live. To raise these little people have made my dreams come true! To be married and serve this man whom God has given me, it fills my heart with joy and gives me reason to sing each day! God is good and I praise His name! I claim this life and will enjoy every second of it! The world can have it's can keep it's lies of fulfillment and allurement of fame. I will glory in the role God has given me to live. I lift my eyes to heaven as I raise these precious treasures that are only mine for a time...and I will trust the Creator Himself to mold these tiny hearts into followers of the one and only TRUE KING.

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