I was just remembering what we, the Anderson Family, were doing two years ago today:) We were bringing Emmy Grace home from the hospital for the first time! Here are some thoughts from that day that seems like a lifetime ago...
-We awoke with excitement and anticipation as today would be the day to take our miracle home:)
-We packed up our small room that had been our home for 3 months and said good-bye to nurses and hospital staff that had become our closest family!
-Our primary care nurse (Nichole) came into our room to say good-bye, and in her hands was the sweetest knitted sweater she had handmade for Emmy and a card that I still hold dear to my heart to this day!
-We cleaned out the NICU freezer of all our milk mommy had spent hours and hours pumping and prepared to journey home.
-We loaded up Emmy in her car seat with her heart monitor and received our last instructions as I carried my precious little girl out of the NICU for the very first time!
-Everyone clapped and cheered!
-I remember thinking: "This seems so surreal! For months I was so restricted in how many times a day I could touch her or hold her and now I am just walking her out of here like it is the most normal thing in the world!!! THIS IS CRAZY!"
-Emmy flew on her very first airplane to Fairbanks...at just 5 weeks old! (still only 35 weeks gestational age. WOW!)
-Daddy picked us up from the airport with a smile on his face, and then life as we know it now began!
God is so good! When I stop to think how life could be without Emmy...my heart stops a beat. She is the part of our family that makes it complete! She LOVES life...LOVES to make people smile and laugh! She LOVES her brother with all of her heart. She LOVES to talk and SUPER DUPER LOVES the grandparents in her life! Thank you God for my precious little girl! Thank You for choosing to bless our life with this amazing, larger than life, little miracle!
p.s. Thanks Lindsey for the idea of this post:) I love your blog!
Courage to Answer God’s Call: Saying Yes to God
6 hours ago
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