Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What's Your Story?

There are so many stories out there! Some good, others not so much. Some easy...some extremely hard! Some stories are written like a fairy tale...beautiful...with a perfect ending. Most stories though...are unique...with the ending far from sight! Have you ever sat and thought about YOUR story. From beginning to...well the place you are in right now? If your reading this blog than your story is still ongoing...far from over!

Recently I have encountered some stories that break my heart. Hardship, grief, tragedy, loneliness, hopelessness, despair! Insurmountable odds that seem unbeatable! But while listening, a quiet, yet persistent voice speaks to my heart! He tells me that this story is nothing He has not seen. This story isn't doomed. THERE IS HOPE! My heart begins to beat faster with the realization that the course of this story can be changed! Odds can ALWAYS be beaten! Hardships only make a person stronger! Grief, tragedy, loneliness create a heart humbled and broken, seeking a Savior! There is no such thing as "hopelessness". God wants to give us all a hope and a future filled with love and acceptance!

My own story is quite the same as this one...a sinner. Dirty. Nasty. never good enough to stand before a HOly God. Yet, Rescued. Saved. Freed from a life of despair! My story is a miraculous one...like so many others! And my story is far from over...PRAISE GOD! Listening to other's stories sheds light on the magnificent love God has for His creation! Even in the middle of stories that are still blinded to the truth, there is still evidence of a Mighty Father chasing after His lost children...loving them and directing them to the hope of His salvation! WOW!

I challenge you to think about your story. And praise God for the many chapters He has brought you through!


Lindsay said...

I tagged you! Details on our blog.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I meant to say this last time I commented, but forgot...anyway! This post was beautiful. You are a good writer. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed it and how it really got me thinking about 'my story' - my life. I'm going to link to this post soon and title it: The author and finisher of our faith. Isn't that perfect? God should always be our story's author. You do good proving that He is.
