My Nanny came up for a visit this past week! We had such a sweet time visiting with her! My children LOVE her to death! I am so thankful that they never meet a stranger! We have so many wonderful people in our lives that we dont get to see on a regular basis! It is so nice to have visitors, and my kiddos take to them so quickly and lovingly! I truly thank my Lord for that one! Here are a few pics of our visit with Nanny! My mother and Nanny at Pioneer Park! It was a beautiful day! Loving the sunshine!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
A Visit With Nanny!
Memorial Weekend
So, a little behind in my postings, but here is our fun-filled weekend in Delta:) We camped at Clearwater Campground. We also spent some time in the "mud pit" with some friends who were down for an ATV Rally! It was a blast! I am hooked! I just love camping! And our cute little camper makes it EVEN better! This is Emmy and her best friend Lauren! Two peas in a pod! They love each other!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
A Relaxing Weekend
Monday, June 21, 2010
An Emotional Night
Where does the time go? Tonight was a VERY emotional night for me! Good night...but EXTREMLY emotional! Wesley lost his first tooth! He was soooo excited! His prayer tonight as I was tucking him into bed was..."Dear Jesus, PLEASE let the tooth fairy be real!" I told him a while ago that the tooth fairy was just pretend. But then his little buddy lost a tooth and showed him the money the "tooth fairy" left behind. So Wesley ran home to let me know that the tooth fairy WAS real! Tonight we shall see! But my first baby, loosing his first tooth! He is just getting so big! Growing up! Right before my eyes!
And on another night...I stopped nursing Lukey tonight. I know I know, maybe too much info...but it was a big big deal for me! He is almost a year...and it is time. But it was so hard for me to let go! My baby! My last baby! He is getting so big as well! I thought he would cry...but he only wimpered for a bit and then drifted off to sleep! Sweet baby boy! So, both of my boys, growing so big! I am a proud mommy, but just a little sad...time flies so fast! Enjoy every minute!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
3 Chicken Nuggets
This afternoon we are sitting at Wendy's eating lunch. Emmy politely asks me if she can be done. I look at her plate. She has only eaten 1 of her 3 nuggets. So, I told her she needed to eat 3 nuggets b/c she is three. She then, VERY matter of factly, stated...
"Mommy, I already at the 3 one. I just don't want to eat 1 and 2 ones."
What in the world can you say to that!? That girl is smarter than what is good for her! So I VERY matter of factly stated...
"Okay, that is good. But you still need to eat 1 and 2 as well." I couldn't keep from laughing at loud!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Why oh Why?
So, there are a few posts I am in need of writing...I have fallen behind in my updates...but this one had to be written tonight! This past weekend has been INCREDIBLY CRAZY! We have had some very sweet friends come up for a couple of weeks and I have been entertaining:) (in other words, been VERY VERY busy) And, I can't forget to mention that Travis went out of town this weekend as well. So, it is me and the kids. ME and 3 kids!
On Friday, after a long day of taking my friends all around Fairbanks and North Pole, we went over to my parents for dinner. I was in the kitchen cooking, when I heard a horrific scream from outside. All of a sudden, Wes comes to the door with blood gushing from his finger! (but, the scream had come from Emmy) He had been outside, and he had just informed me he was trying to cut wood with his swiss army pocket knife! It slipped and got his finger instead! So, in a flurry of activity, we all decided that he needed to go to the ER. So, I was trying to get him in the car when I realized I didn't have my base ID card! This causes a HUGE problem b/c in the army, that card is your life! IT is your insurance card, your way of getting on base, and your identification. So, I was frantically searching...but to no avail! So, my sweet Daddy offered to take us to the ER. We get there, and Wes had to get 3 stitches. He was such a brave little guy! He did cry...but I know it hurt bad! After a few hours at the hospital, they sent us home all bandaged up. We get home, and I had to go to the bathroom! I go into the bathroom, open the lid to the toliet, and THERE IS MY ID CARD! Floating in the toliet! (No, I didn't pee on it first) I don't know how in the world it got there! It was either Miss Gilbert, or LUke! Neither one is confessing just yet! I was happy to find my ID happy that i just stuck my hand right down in that toliet and retrieved it! WOW! What a night! But in the end, all ended well! Wes had a new "man scar" to show off, I have a VERY clean ID card, and Travis will be home tomorrow. I always wonder though, why does all this craziness happen when my husband leaves? He misses all the good stuff:)