These kids are just as excited for summer as their mommy! They go to bed at night praying that God will give us a fun idea for the next daY! B/c summers in Alaska, you CAN NOT stay inside! It is against the law...almost! Guilt plays a big part in that law! After being stuck inside all winter long, when the sun comes up, and stays up, you just can't stay in! So, if you can't get ahold of us we are either outside, on our way outside, or taking baths from being outside. Life kidda stands still in the summers of Alaska. People just understand...schedules slow calls don't always get returned...meetings might get missed...houses don't get cleaned very often...only b/c those things have to be done inside! AND, us Alaskans, we don't know what that means in Summertime!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Mastered the Bike!
I LOVE MY BIKE! Wes had finally mastered his bike without training wheels! Any of you mommy's out there having trouble getting rid of those training wheels, tip! Quit trying to teach them...just give them a bike and send them on their way! Within ten minutes, he was a wiz!
A Beautiful Day!
A Day at Kramer's Field! Had a wonderful time with my sweeties! Love Alaska! Loving life in Alaska! This baby makes my heart smile! I love him so very much!
Structual Intergration!
Well, Emmy started massage therapy last week and today was day two. She is doing wonderful, but it is still frustrating that she has to endure this at all. I am so thankful for her life and all that she has come through. And the thought that things could be much worse comforts me in moments of her frustration when mommy tells her once again, KEEP YOUR FOOT STRAIGHT! The therapy is working wonders. We are only on session 2 and I can see such a vast improvement. But almost 4 years of walking one way, the habits are hard to break! She doesn't complain much...and for that I am VERY grateful! Sometimes I think God uses moments out of life such as these, to remind us of our fraility, and reassures us of our dependance upon Him.
So, for now, our therapy will continue. And I am hopeful! I pray that these sessions work and her "crooked foot" will one day be straight...and hoping for sooner than later!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Beware, Mush Ahead!
Almost 8 years. I can barely believe Mr. Anderson and I have been married almost 8 years! The time has truly flown by! I love that man more and more every day! He amazes me in so many ways...and the longer I am married to him, the more ways I discover his unconditional love for me! It boggles my mind! And yet, in a moment like this one, where my heart is about to explode with adoration for my groom, I realize how I allow moments to slip by. I let dishes and laundry and kids baths and chores crowd my heart to the point where I seldom see his greatness. I rush through days trying to get my "to do" list the expense of kisses and hugs and moments of sharing our hearts! I allow unaccomplished tasks worry my mind instead of prayers for my sweet husband and children.
I want to let go! I want to embrace the moments of "nothing". The times where we are just together. Where I leave the dishes in the sink, the laundry unfolded, the beds unmade just to sit in his presence one more minute. I love that man God gave me! So much! He has truly made my life complete...happy...and just plain fun! I never want to loose the sweetness of our relationship in the mundane details of daily life! Yes, life has to happen. Kids have to be fed, chores have to get done, we have to go to work, pay the bills, make dinners and wash dishes. But I want my heart to be carefree. And miraculously, after 8 years, I am understanding that more now than ever. I am just excited to uncover the meaning more and more as the days go by!
**** Sorry for the mushiness of this post! But my heart was overwhelmingly grateful tonight...and I just had to share! ****
A Broken Butt
The past couple of days we have been in ANchorage getting my new camper!(pictures to follow...along with the story) But, we drove down one day and back the next. My mom went with me and the kids. While we were on our trip Miss Emmy Grace was constipated. (you can tell I am a mother of 3 when poop stories make the blog) Anyway, she was quite upset about this fact. She was in pain. That night, after we had gotten to Anchorage, Emmy was in the bathroom crying.
"Emmy Grace, are you okay in there?" I asked her.
"NOoooooooooo! I think my butt is broken mommy! It just won't work anymore!" She had big tears streaming down her face.
Laughing out loud, I said..."Well, what do you want me to do about it?"
She was trying to stop her crying...."I guess we will have to pray and ask Jesus to make it better."
The rest of the trip...EVERYTIME she would go to the bathroom...she would come out and inform us all that "It is still broke!" That girl!
Note***** We got home last night and for all those that were worried, Jesus finally "fixed" her "broken butt". Gotta give Him glory!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Sweetest LIttle Boy!
Aren't you glad God sometimes gives us a big fat NO! We have all these plans...dreams...expectations...We plan our lives out right down to the job we want, the place we will live, the amount of money we will make, how much education we will need, and even how many children we will have! We have so many assets at our fingertips to make all these things happen...and we think, b/c of technology and how far we have progressed in our knowledge, it is in our power to make our lives just as we have always wanted! We rarely give thought to what God's plan for us may be. We are busy making plans and making sure they unfold just as we see in our little finite minds. But have we ever stopped, BEFORE proceeding, and asked God what HIS AGENDA for our lives may be. I am great at making plans, and then asking God to bless what I have already decided upon!
BUT...I am learning to stop, and wait! To BE STILL before the Lord! To ask before doing! To listen for the promptings of the Holy Spirit before even making plans at all!
BUT...another BIG BUT...aren't you glad when we do proceed without holy direction...that if we are TOO terribly off track...He will bring in the reigns and stop us dead in our tracks! He will reroute us! He has an ultimate plan...and even though I believe we deviate from that plan and He allows us to do so...maybe even at the expense of missing out on HUGE blessings He has in store for us...if we are too far from what He wants...HE CHANGES THE COURSE!
You see, Travis and I only wanted 2 children! We had a healthy boy and girl! And mind you, they weren't easy to come by! Both pregnancies had their ups and downs! Both were Very scary to walk through...and we had decided that we were done! We didn't want to take that risk again! So, in our finite minds, we had taken precautions to make this plan a reality! Until God intervened! He knew our lives needed a little LUKE! And boy was our God RIGHT! PRAISE His name He didn't listen to that prayer. But He stepped in, in all His wisdom, and blessed our lives with one of the greatest blessings in all the world! Luke Anderson! Our whole family has seen the mighty hand of God through this little guy! I am speechless at the miraculous love our Father has for us! In my earnest desire...He saw through that ignorance and KNEW how my heart and life needed one more to love! And I am so glad!
Monday, May 3, 2010
I stand in awe! Actually, I did a "happy dance" in the presence of the Lord today! He worked something out in my heart that words just couldn't describe! I was filled with SUCH overwhelming joy that I danced around the house, jumping and singing and praising my Jesus! He is some kind of WONDERFUL! He set me free today! Free from a lifetime area of bondage! And it came out of nowhere! I hadn't been praying about it...I knew it was there, buried in the deepest part of me...but it had been so long since I had tried prying it's ugly fingers off the recess of my heart that I had almost forgotten about it. It had truly become another part of me. It was so familiar that I had kinda excepted it as my lot.
But then...
Christ came pressing through and that old enemy went running out! There was no room for negotiating today! No sirree! He fled full speed as Christ poured His goodness and mercy out over my head and straight into my heart! And the peace that flooded my soul! I felt it! It wasn't just a sprinkle here and there....IT WAS THE WHOLE RIVER being poured out and over! And when it was done...I felt LIBERATED! Free, light, I could dance without holding back! He is my Creator...and the burden carrier! And boy did he carry that burden out of my life!!!! LOVE HIM!