Almost 8 years. I can barely believe Mr. Anderson and I have been married almost 8 years! The time has truly flown by! I love that man more and more every day! He amazes me in so many ways...and the longer I am married to him, the more ways I discover his unconditional love for me! It boggles my mind! And yet, in a moment like this one, where my heart is about to explode with adoration for my groom, I realize how I allow moments to slip by. I let dishes and laundry and kids baths and chores crowd my heart to the point where I seldom see his greatness. I rush through days trying to get my "to do" list the expense of kisses and hugs and moments of sharing our hearts! I allow unaccomplished tasks worry my mind instead of prayers for my sweet husband and children.
I want to let go! I want to embrace the moments of "nothing". The times where we are just together. Where I leave the dishes in the sink, the laundry unfolded, the beds unmade just to sit in his presence one more minute. I love that man God gave me! So much! He has truly made my life complete...happy...and just plain fun! I never want to loose the sweetness of our relationship in the mundane details of daily life! Yes, life has to happen. Kids have to be fed, chores have to get done, we have to go to work, pay the bills, make dinners and wash dishes. But I want my heart to be carefree. And miraculously, after 8 years, I am understanding that more now than ever. I am just excited to uncover the meaning more and more as the days go by!
**** Sorry for the mushiness of this post! But my heart was overwhelmingly grateful tonight...and I just had to share! ****
Courage to Answer God’s Call: Saying Yes to God
6 hours ago
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