Time slips by so fast! To "savor a moment" is almost unheard of anymore. Who has the time? We are so busy running from here to there, doing this and that, preparing for what is next and hurrying through what is now. Looking back through my years, I see so many missed opportunities to breathe in the precious moments of the story that God has given me to live! I may have the photos to document my presence during those moments of life. I can smile and remember...being ever so thankful! But to "live" those moments again, that is gone forever. The challenge to "live each day to the fullest" is misinterpreted as "do as many things as possible in the shortest amount of time given."
But my soul aches for YOU, Jesus. I long for time in Your presence. To sit at Your feet and marvel at Your goodness. A smile from Your lips. An embrace in Your arms. Your strength to soar on wings as eagles. Quiet, still moments that shake my very existence. Joyful celebration that burst the doors of my heart wide open! I've felt Your presence so many times. It is a feeling like none else. It leaves me spell-bound and speechless. I enter in, timid and in awe...I leave changed and stripped bear! Your splendor, Your majesty, Your awe-inspiring power leaves me begging for more!
I can't wait! The day that shines brighter than all the rest in my heart. The day I long for with all faith my heart can ever know! The day that I stand before You, Lord. To be physically in Your presence. I don't know how much "standing" I will be doing though:) To fall at Your feet in complete gratitude and thanksgiving. Or to dance as David did! To sing and praise the Name above all else! Eternity will stretch before me...and time will be endless. Oh what a GLORIOUS day! It is a moment to live all the other moments for! So live I will! I will live with eternity in mind...surrendering the flesh, and obeying the Spirit!
Friday, July 30, 2010
The Moment to Live All the Other Moments For!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Oh to be a Kid Again!
Do you ever re-live your childhood through your children? Oh come on! We have all done it once in a while! It is so wonderful...i think one of the greatest joys of being a parent! You get to be a kid again! Emmy Grace's birthday is coming up in just a week in a half! She will be 4! Can you believe it? I can't. My sweet little angel, who God knew this family needed, will be turing 4 years old! She is SO EXCITED! Funny how kids think that a year older makes life SO MUCH more fun and adventurous! We have been planning her birthday party for a while now. And tonight, while everyone else went to bed, I snuck out and made a Walmart run. Nothing exciting...until I started looking at birthday "stuff". I had so much fun buying Princess cups, and hats, and goodie bags, and sprinkles,and sparkles, and wands, and toys, and the list goes on! I came home with 4 bags of "stuff" just for the party alone! She is going to be so excited! This mommy was so excited! God DEFINETLY knew I needed a little girl. And I can't wait to throw her the prettiest little party she has ever dreamed of! Birthdays are the best...and a princess party for my sweet baby girl is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to post pictures...but for now, just thought I'd share my fun time walking the local Walmart at 11pm at night...dreaming of pink and purple and sparkles and fun!
Friday, July 16, 2010
His Will
Why are we so stubborn? Why do we insist on our own will and way, when we know in the deepest of our heart, God's is so much better! Even when we don't understand...we may think He is being unreasonable or just pure CRAZY...deep down, we know that His outcome always outshines ours! Why? B/c we know He is faithful! That He loves us more than our human minds can comprehend! We have seen Him work ALL THINGs for our good! He has proven Himself OVER AND OVER again! And for CRAZY? Well, we all know that those are the exact moments that He chooses to BLOW OUR MINDS AWAY!
Last night we had a complete stand still with our youngest, LUKE. That little boy, who has captured the hearts of all who see him...who lights up the room with the biggest, cheesiest smiles you have ever seen, that little boy is one stubborn kid! If he gets it in his mind that he doesn't want to do something, he WON"T! No matter what we do, or say, or no matter what bribes we throw his way, he stands his ground!
Travis and I were trying to get him to open his mouth so we could see what object he had put inside yet again. We coaxed, we pleaded, we demanded, we waited, we tried to pry that little mouth open, and all to no avail! He clamped that mouth shut and he wasn't going to budge. He refused! We had his best interest in mind...we didn't want him to swallow anything that could harm him...we love him and are only concerned for the best...but none of that mattered to my 1yr old last night! For a couple of minutes, he had the power. (or so he thought) Travis and I both were getting frustrated, worried, upset. And I wish I could give a grand ending to the story...but I can't. That little sucker swallowed whatever he had in his mouth and then SMILED! We were baffled! His little sin-nature had won out, and he was delighting in it. We popped him on the mouth and explained to him that what he had done was wrong. Now how much of all that he understood, I don't know. But he knew that he hadn't "won" after all. Daddy's pop to the mouth hurt his feelings so bad. He cried and cried! But daddy and I, seeing the tears fall freely, knew that, for his own safety next time, had to relate to this litte guy that disobedience required consequence. It wasn't fun for any involved. But Luke crawled over to us, climbed up in our laps, and laid his head down on our shoulders. He was saying sorry. We loved on him and cuddled that sweet baby! No matter what "wrong" he may do, we will always love him. He is ours! We will wait patiently for him to see the "right" and choose good. And when he doesn't, we will still be there, waiting with open arms to love.
It just made me think of my relationship with my HEAVENLY FATHER. Why do I buck His will? Why do I close my eyes sometimes and pretend He isn't there? He doesn't make me obey. He doesn't bend my will for me. He waits (probably much more patiently than I did for Lukey) and is standing with arms wide open. But how much do I loose out on in the process? I've faced consequences to my "sin". And it hurts. Yet, time and time again I try and fight His will for me. When I finally do surrender there is nothing but joy and celebration. I praise Him for the illustrations He places all around us! He is so relational! We are blessed!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Little Miracles!
God is so amazing! He is working 24/7 all around us! It is us, with our little finite minds and hearts, that fail to notice! But just this week alone I have seen our Maker working his miracles all over! I have a very sweet friend who went in to Providence on Monday to deliver her little girl, at only 27 weeks. She had cervical cancer and it was spreading. 27 WEEKS! That is so early! With hearts fearful with the unknown staring them in the face, they walked forward in faith! They were trusting in a God who isn't bound by timelines or statistics! They set their minds and hearts on an outcome that would bring God the most glory possible! They knew that He loved that little precious bundle much more than they ever could and trusted in that love to see them through! And, with much prayer, little Shiloh was born at 2 1/2 pounds but breathing on her own! She has a long road of recovery awaiting her, but she is already growing and developing with only the strength that God supplies. Mommy and Daddy are doing great too! What a testament to His grace and mercy!
And then, just a few miles up the road, another sweet friend delievered her first little angel just a few hours ago! A healthy and vibrant baby girl! As I held her little blessing, I marveled at the majesty of our Creator! How He truly weaves His miralces all across this big, wide world!
And then, sitting here typing on this computer, I look in the faces of my own little people! Each of them are so unique, so different! I see their strengths and weaknesses already being developed! The joy of listening to them pray and seek God on their own levels. Miracles sent straight from heaven! I am in awe of the beauty of our great King!
So this day, I choose to stop doing, and sit and marvel! I choose to meditate on His goodness! I will sit and ponder the grace He has poured out all around me! I will delight in His many blessings! I will stop in the midst of the busy, crazy moments that swirl around me everyday...and I will breathe in the sweet aroma of a God who causes the flowering bud to bloom, and at the same time, causes a newborn babe to cry! He gives life in the smallest, intricate ways...and He sounds the trumpet call as the impossible comes to life! What a mighty God we serve!
Friday, July 9, 2010
And He is Off Again!
Friday Morning, and when most are excited about the upcoming weekend, I just sigh! Travis is off the Anchorage yet again. Summers here are so lovely, but a bit lonely! Still, I am happy and thankful that he is off to Anchorage and not Iraq. At least I know that he is safe. But I miss that man. God has been good to us though...and through being apart so often...we have learned to truly value the time we are together. I have learned a WHOLE lot about letting the little, petty things go and embracing the quiet hours of sitting and talking, or just being in each other's arms. That is one sweet man...and I am completley and utterly thankful for the opportunity to spend the rest of my life with him!
So, on this BEAUTIFULLY sunny Friday, I think I will stop feeling sorry for the prospect of spending my weekend alone, get off my lazy butt, and go for an early morning walk with my precious kiddos! SOunds much better already:) hehe
Thanks for letting me vent Blog World! Writing is a release for me! A way of finding myself where I need to be! Happy Friday!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
A Day In Seward, AK
While down in Anchorage this past week, we took a day and drove to Seward, AK. It was beautiful! Our friends, the Cordes, were there as well. We had such a great time hanging out with them and just enjoying God's most beautiful creation! Emmy Grace and her BEST friend Lauren! They are so cute together!