I am so thankful for the country we live in! I am thankful for our freedom. Seeing the flag waving proud always brings a sense of gratitude and appreciation in my heart. And there is something about a military band...marching tall and strong...representing our men and women who give up their lives, their rights and their freedoms to keep ours in place! And when my husband is the leader of the band, I can't help it, but tears flow shamelessly!
He is such an amazing man! One who shows integrity in all he does! One who loves and honors our God! I am so proud to be his wife!
So, this is just another parade, in small town America, where the flag waves high, the band plays proud, the people clap and cheer. A small picture of the glorious freedom we share in the land we call the United States of America. Thank you to all the soliders and their families out there who sacrifice more than we will ever comprehend! God is good and faithful! Thank you!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The Band Plays Proud
Coughs and Bless-Yous!
Emmy exclaimed in the car yesterday as we were driving home from Mimi's house...
"Mommy, I think I am getting sick! I have a lot of coughs and blessyous!"
I just had to verify, "What do you have?"
"Alot of COUGHS and BLESS YOUS!"
That girl makes me smile everyday!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Busy. No time. Fleeting moments. Stuff. Craziness. Hectic. Insane. Busy. All words we use to describe our lives. All excuses to smooth over why we don't call, why we don't "stop by", why we don't read our Bibles, why we don't email a friend, why we don't keep in touch, why we don't blog, why we don't pray, why we don't reach out to others, why we don't make amends, why we don't take deep breaths, take long walks, inhale the scent of the rain, drink in the beauty of the passing flower, or be still before our Creator. Busy.
But with what? Life? That is what we say. The daily grind. Routine. Work. Kids. Church. Ministry. Bills. All of which is probably 100% accurate. All of those things HAVE to get done. They are all on our list of things to do. Everyday. And they keep us "B U S Y". But what of the things that waste our time. That steals our moments for pure NOTHINGNESS. The minutes that we waste being lazy. Filling our minds and hearts with foolishness. T.V. Internet. Shopping. Games. Mindless, numbing, wasted minutes in the scope of eternity. How do we categorize those moments in our lives. We don't ever use those excuses to explain our "busy" lives. But they are there. We are accountable for those moments as well as all the other noteworthy, accepted, and ones deemed "worthy".
I believe our lives wouldn't be quite as BUSY if we were to line all our moments up to the light of eternity. We would manage our time better. We would take longer walks. We would spend greater time with our Savior, conversing and learning of Him. We would enjoy creation more than our gadgets and technology. We would look for God more in the sunrise and the oceans waves and the morning dew and the brilliance of the night sky. We would dance in the rain and laugh more over spilt milk. We would be "quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath." We would love more furiously and judge less viciously. We would hear the whisper of the Almighty in the stillness of a moment to precious to let pass. BUSY would become AVAILABLE. And though our minutes in our days would still be filled, they would be spent soaking up all of the life God has blessed us with.
Just a thought from a VERY BUSY GIRL. But how this girl longs for more.
"Dear Lord, fix my mind on eternity. And let all else fall to the wayside. Use me for Your glory...and erase all my busyness with quiet, peaceful, reflections of Your plans, Your purpose, Your desires. I'm Yours! Fill me! I'm here."
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
A Great BIg God!
Has life ever spun so wildly out of control, that to hold on isn't even an option anymore? The craziness of the world's demands reaches an ear-piercing scream...and you are left frantically drowning in a sea of panic and despair. What we once knew to be good and normal and sane, has turned upside down and there is no longer any sense left to be made! And we are sinking...falling...tears streaming down as our precious grip of control slips right between our fingers. We know it is over...life can never be put together again! How can God TRULY make any good of this mess we have found ourselves in? He is big...but this has to have reached His limits! Right? Have we forgotton so quickly? THe God we question is the same God who splashed color into the sky...Who sprinkled the land with flowers and the sky with stars!
He can't take His eyes off of us! He loves us too much! So throw the worries to the wind...because it is the Maker of the Universe who is holding our hands, smiling over every breath we take!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Our Heavenly Daddy
How blessed are we, as children of the King, to have a Father who loves us beyond our wildest imagination! To stand before a throne as a heir to a kingdom that we were brought into with acceptance and grace! To know that we haven't done one thing to earn our citizenship to this most holy place. In all of our eagerness and excitement...we come rushing in to this life demanding our rights and waiting for our rewards. In our most earnest desire to serve and worship our beloved King, we still fall short in our understanding. Even in our worship and adoration, we still need our Father's hand, guiding us and teaching us each step of the way! And how patient He is...to lead us. How gentle He is in His direction. HE truly delights over us!
Watching my own sweet children fish with their daddy, it brought a picture to this amazing concept. "If our earthly fathers give to their children, how much more will your HEAVENLY Father do for His children?" Such beauty!
I watched as Daddy patiently threw in cast after cast. He wasn't bothered by Emmy's dancing about or singing loudly. He didn't get irritated when Wes would throw that occasional rock into the river, scaring off any fish that could possibly be interested in that little lure. He was there to show those babies how to catch a fish! He wanted them to grasp the excitement and thrill it was to bring in your very own fish! Sure, He knew what he was doing...and how it could have been done more efficiently if they had not been around. But he loves those two so much...and he wanted this experience to be theirs as well as his. He couldn't wait to see the wonder and amazement in their eyes as they reeled that first fish onto shore! Then, as Daddy reels in the little guy, carefully taking the hook out and showing the kids exactly what he had caught, they were truly filled with amazement. And how funny it was to see them boast in that first fish as if they had done the work...all the while their only involvement was just observing.
But that was all it took! Wes couldn't WAIT to get in on the action himself. Daddy knew this would happen. He had taught them well. So, as we gain confidence in our role as children of the KING, we want to do things ourselves. Yet, always knowing that our Daddy stands nearby...watching...observing...making sure we don't fall off course or screw things up TOO badly! He never leaves our side!
And lo and behold, we catch on! We begin to see the "fruit of our labor". We enjoy the kingdom and all it is and all it contains! We understand more clearly who we are and why we are here.
So... as we go about our day... playing in the rivers and streams of life...enjoying creation and all it has to offer...may we never forget....
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Relationships are a funny thing. I think that is where God has me right now...learning and enjoying so many wonderful (and interesting) relationships! Through relationships, I have come to see the heart of Jesus! He was all about relationships. He had parents, and siblings...friends and "best" friends. He had those He reached out too, those He enjoyed, those He probably chose to enjoy despite who they were at times...He walked this earth living out relationships everyday all day! But He also made time for the dearest and sweetest relationship of all to Him, that was His Father's! That was the relationship that strengthened all the rest...the one that fueled the others along! Without His relationship with His Father, the others wouldn't exsist.
And that is where i am these days. That is what I am learning...that no matter how many people are in my life...no matter how many people come and go...if I am not putting my relationship with my HEAVENLY FATHER FIRST, I am no good for all the rest! I love people! All of them. If you asked me what my favorite hobby was, I'd say "PEOPLE". Talking with them, listening to them, laughing and playing with them! Worshiping with them. Praying and crying with them. People give me energy! Their stories are all testimony of God's goodness and grace! From the smallest of people to the oldest, their lives are gifts from the Lord...and I treasure the time I get to spend with each! From Maverick to Memaw...and all in between...I love relationships! Y et, sometimes, I allow these AWESOME relationships to consume me...I forget the Maker of the relationship, and allow the drama and problems to crowd the purpose of relationship at all! The glory and honor of Jesus! I lose focus...or misplace it maybe. But in the end...I get stressed out...I have no answers...I feel overwelmed! And life begins to not make sense anymore!
But thankfully I serve the Relationship Maker...who gently whispers my name. He draws me back unto Himself. He comforts me. He refreshes me. He leads me back into the relationship that gives life and purpose to all the rest. And I am found. I am whole. And life once again makes sense! I can once again enjoy the people that fill my days and my time. I can bask in their success, and mourn in their loss. I can offer the HOPE from the ONE who fills my nostrils with breath, and frees my heart to sing! And no matter how complex the relationship may be...or how easy that one may be to love...I no longer do it on my own! I do it with the wonder from on HIGH! I do it through the most amazing relationship known to man...the one between a sinner and a Savior!
Emmy's FAVORITE Gift!
Emmy with her new bike helmet! IT just had to be "princess" related! She is a princess no doubt!
A Cinderella Party
Emmy's 4th birthday was a Cinderella Party! She is pretty much OBSESSED with princess stuff at the moment...so we went all out! She had a BLAST! And so did mommy! I love having a little girl, who I can dress up, put bows in her hair, and spoil her rotten! And she is truly my girlie girl! I love it! Her friends all came dressed as pretty, pretty princesses as well. Us girls, we sure do love getting dressed up! No matter what age!
The Invasion!
I woke up early this morning and as I was cleaning up the house, I had to snap this picture:) Wesley was playing with his sister yesterday and this is what it looked like:) Jedi Knights protecting the princess castle as the green army guys try and seize the day!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
This face is just the cutest thing Ever! And he knows it!