Relationships are a funny thing. I think that is where God has me right now...learning and enjoying so many wonderful (and interesting) relationships! Through relationships, I have come to see the heart of Jesus! He was all about relationships. He had parents, and siblings...friends and "best" friends. He had those He reached out too, those He enjoyed, those He probably chose to enjoy despite who they were at times...He walked this earth living out relationships everyday all day! But He also made time for the dearest and sweetest relationship of all to Him, that was His Father's! That was the relationship that strengthened all the rest...the one that fueled the others along! Without His relationship with His Father, the others wouldn't exsist.
And that is where i am these days. That is what I am learning...that no matter how many people are in my matter how many people come and go...if I am not putting my relationship with my HEAVENLY FATHER FIRST, I am no good for all the rest! I love people! All of them. If you asked me what my favorite hobby was, I'd say "PEOPLE". Talking with them, listening to them, laughing and playing with them! Worshiping with them. Praying and crying with them. People give me energy! Their stories are all testimony of God's goodness and grace! From the smallest of people to the oldest, their lives are gifts from the Lord...and I treasure the time I get to spend with each! From Maverick to Memaw...and all in between...I love relationships! Y et, sometimes, I allow these AWESOME relationships to consume me...I forget the Maker of the relationship, and allow the drama and problems to crowd the purpose of relationship at all! The glory and honor of Jesus! I lose focus...or misplace it maybe. But in the end...I get stressed out...I have no answers...I feel overwelmed! And life begins to not make sense anymore!
But thankfully I serve the Relationship Maker...who gently whispers my name. He draws me back unto Himself. He comforts me. He refreshes me. He leads me back into the relationship that gives life and purpose to all the rest. And I am found. I am whole. And life once again makes sense! I can once again enjoy the people that fill my days and my time. I can bask in their success, and mourn in their loss. I can offer the HOPE from the ONE who fills my nostrils with breath, and frees my heart to sing! And no matter how complex the relationship may be...or how easy that one may be to love...I no longer do it on my own! I do it with the wonder from on HIGH! I do it through the most amazing relationship known to man...the one between a sinner and a Savior!
Courage to Answer God’s Call: Saying Yes to God
11 hours ago
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