Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Great BIg God!

Has life ever spun so wildly out of control, that to hold on isn't even an option anymore? The craziness of the world's demands reaches an ear-piercing scream...and you are left frantically drowning in a sea of panic and despair. What we once knew to be good and normal and sane, has turned upside down and there is no longer any sense left to be made! And we are sinking...falling...tears streaming down as our precious grip of control slips right between our fingers. We know it is can never be put together again! How can God TRULY make any good of this mess we have found ourselves in? He is big...but this has to have reached His limits! Right? Have we forgotton so quickly? THe God we question is the same God who splashed color into the sky...Who sprinkled the land with flowers and the sky with stars!

HE is the same God Who gave the swan her mate for life!

He created the giant grizzley to sleep all winter, knowing just the right amount of food to store in his belly til spring!

He placed the moose in one of the coldest enviroments on the planet, to not only survive, but to live and thrive!

HE spun this great wide world to cycle through year after year, season after season, all working according to His plan! Creation was His idea alone!

And yet we question His ability to take care of us? A speck, a vapor, a fleeting moment in the span of eternity...He choose us! To love us! To delight over us! He gave His Son on our behalf! And there isn't one second that escapes His gaze! Not one minute does He turn His back and forget we are there. Not one day can pass without His graceful hand guiding us, directing us, protecting us! Nothing is too big for our God. No problem can He not deal with. He is soverign. He knows. He cares. We are His! Forever!

He can't take His eyes off of us! He loves us too much! So throw the worries to the wind...because it is the Maker of the Universe who is holding our hands, smiling over every breath we take!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Wow. That was really good. You have an amazing way with words!

(I think He did that, too. ;)