Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July! I hope everyone had fun celebrating our freedom this past weekend! WE DID! Although, we vowed to NEVER go camping on the 4th again! There were SOOOO many people out and about! Travis actually worked on the 4th so we headed out that night to Copper Center Alaska to camp and fish! Saturday was extremely crazy but Sunday and Monday calmed down and we truly enjoyed the great outdoors!

So, Friday night we didn't get away until 5pm and we had about a 5 hour drive ahead of us. When we reached our destination, not a camp site was available being the 4th, so we had to drive somewhat of a distance away to find a site! By the time we found a spot, set up the tent, got settled in our sleeping bags, it was almost 3am! But thanks to the beautiful Alaskan summers, we weren't short on daylight:) Saturday we decided to venture back to the Klutina river and pray for someone to pack up early and head home. We packed up camp, loaded up the car, and drove about 5 miles until we realized we had a flat tire!!!!!!! So, here we are on the side of the road changing our flat. Good Note: Blair learned how to change a flat tire! It actually turned out to be fun! So, Saturday we did find a new camp site right next to the river! We fished for a couple of days and headed back home Monday! We had such a good time!

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