Thursday, October 29, 2009
Fall Leaves!
Boo At The Zoo
Monday, October 26, 2009
Dear Little Luke
What are you thinking sweet baby? What do you see when you look at your mommy so intently? What is going in inside your cute baby head when you break out into a toothless grin? My, you are such a sweet little boy! The sweetest baby ever! I think it is the funniest thing when you will be smiling from ear to ear one minute...and the very next second break out into a lip puckering, sadder than the day after Christmas cry...and then back into that heart-stopping smile! It makes your momma crazy with happiness! I love you so much! I am pretty sure you know that...I mean, who else makes silly faces at you all day just to see that little face light up? (okay, other than Mimi) You are growing so fast! Too fast! Slow down! You are my baby! And I am countlessly joyful that God KNEW much better than mommy and daddy that you were suppose to be here in this world...for already you make it a better place! I have complete confidence that you will grow into a fine man one day! But first, let's just enjoy this stage, this day, this moment in your little life! You are staring at me right now as you bounce away the cares of the world while mommy writes this post. You stare and smile for no good reason...other than you are completley content and happy! My happy sweet little Luke! Love you buddy!
Love Mommy!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
How often do we complain? How easy it is to find something wrong! Why? B/c there will always BE something wrong with something! But the greater challenge lies when we overcome the fleshly desire to COMPLAIN and find the beauty that may be staring us straight in the face! It is there...I PROMISE! FIND IT! LOOK FOR IT!
God has been convicting me lately of being so negative...of complain...of judging others or ASSUMING things that 99% of the time, aren't even true! And He has challenged me through His word to find look for it...and be a ray of light in this dark and cynical world! It is depressing to be so negative...not to mention being around negative people. But I have actually had FUN looking for the good, the positive, the beautifuL! It is rewarding internally, to see the beauty God has placed all around, in things, in circumstances, and especially PEOPLE!
There will always be bad! There will always be ugly! There will always be negative! We live in a sinful fallen world! But when we choose to look past all that, and see through our ETERNAL Glasses, we see Christ all around! He lives! He is the VICTOR! He is glorious and beautiful! And His creation screams His goodness! And yes, I said GOODNESS! I believe with all my heart, that finding the good is bringing our Lord glory and honor! I am loving this new challenge...and I challenge you to do the same! It will make you a happier person, and it will bring joy to others around you! I PROMISE!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Have you ever say and thought about the extreme coolness it is that we have means of communication with the God of the universe? The very one who spun the world into motion, speaks to each of us in the most intimate way! He has given us His very own words and thoughts, spelled out in a language that we can actually understand...and then He tells us to pray, to talk to Him daily! He tells us that we simply don't have, b/c we fail to ask! He desires us to come to Him...He LOVES our conversations! sweet! So amazingly wonderful to know that I serve a God who not only knows my name, the very number of hairs on my head, but also listens and SPEAKS to me!
My kids love to pray. We pray about everything! But I have never been strict on telling them to "pray with their eyes closed". Why? Why would I? Why do we pray with our eyes closed? It isn't in the Bible...the best explanation I have ever gotten was from my dad. He said it is because it helps us not get distracted. And very true! But sometimes it is so fun to keep our eyes wide open! Have you ever watched people pray. I love the expressions on people's faces when they are in deep conversation with the Lord. It is like stealing a peak into the most intimate moment with them and their Creator! I love it! I don't know if they would love knowing I am watching...but it is still a very surreal moment.
I truly love my Lord! He thought of everything...and knew exactly what we needed! Don't we serve an awesome God!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Slow Me Down!
Being Busy! I enjoy soaking up life to the fullest! I love going and doing! It is fun and exciting to try new things, hang out with people, minister, serve, have fun! But too much good stuff just makes you BUSY! And too much busy=not good at all! I have been too busy as of late! And I know b/c of the look in my baby girl's eyes today! Wesley loves to go and do just about as much as I do! He enjoys being out and about! He is truly a people person just like me! And Luke does pretty well on the go...just so long as he gets fed and gets to snuggle throughout the day with Mommy! But Emmy Grace is another story all together. She is very much like her Daddy in the fact that she likes time to herself. She enjoys being with people, but she needs her downtime! And I have been stretching her too far these past few weeks. We have just had so much to do...and even though she likes "doing" she was DONE!
We woke up early...I mean REALLY early to get school done before our busy day. Wes gets out of bed easily and bounces around the house so ready to tackle yet another day! But Emmy moves slower...she likes some cuddle time with Travis or I...she HAS to have her cup of chocolate milk each morning...and she doesn't like to be rushed or in a rush! She tends to get confused, overwelmed, and VERY VERY sad! Small tasks become huge hurdles that she cannot jump over! She becomes frustrated! And so, today she finally snapped! She was trying to get her shoes on as we were hurrying out the door, and she just couldn't do it! So she finally sat down and started to cry! And she just couldn't stop. I asked her what was wrong and this was her response..."I am having a hard time. Can we please go slower!" She looked up at me with tears streaming down her little cute cheeks and I knew it was time to stop! Slow me down Lord! Help me take it easy...and be sensitive to my children! They are amazing little people! I want to enjoy every minute with them...and not loose those precious moments to the busyness of life. SLOW ME DOWN!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Okay, so this post is getting a VERY bit personal...but I must share! My belly jiggles! That is jiggles like a bowl of jello! (this is how Emmy Grace described it yesterday). She told me in her sweetest voice...."Mommy, your belly is so pretty! IT jiggles like my jello!" Awww...the honesty of a 3 year old! I wanted to cry...but all I could do was laugh! B/c, well, she is right! Why, in this culture of ours, do we spend so much time obsessing about weight! ALways the struggle of being smaller! In some parts of the world, the larger you are the more beautiful you are! That's right! YOu heard me! They take pride is their jiggles! Oh, why haven't I found that part of the world...I've heard about it...but haven't discovered it yet! I am sure I would pack up and move there!!!! I guess it is all in the eyes of the beholder! I have had 3 children, 3 C-sections, all in the past 5 years! I've struggled with preeclampsia through 2 pregnancies (this is a lovely thing that not only is harmful for the baby b/c of all the toxins in my blood...but helps me gain LOTS AND LOTS of weight!) So, along with my 3 precious children that God has so blessed me with, He has also blessed me with 30 extra pounds of pure, raw JIGGLE! And this jiggle is the hardest thing to get rid of! I am trying though! 100% trying with all my might! So, in the mean time...while I am trying to rid myself of these extra UNWANTED pounds....I will try and look at my jiggle like Emmy...and know that I am "fearfully and wonderfully made"...JIGGLE AND ALL!