Saturday, October 3, 2009


Okay, so this post is getting a VERY bit personal...but I must share! My belly jiggles! That is jiggles like a bowl of jello! (this is how Emmy Grace described it yesterday). She told me in her sweetest voice...."Mommy, your belly is so pretty! IT jiggles like my jello!" Awww...the honesty of a 3 year old! I wanted to cry...but all I could do was laugh! B/c, well, she is right! Why, in this culture of ours, do we spend so much time obsessing about weight! ALways the struggle of being smaller! In some parts of the world, the larger you are the more beautiful you are! That's right! YOu heard me! They take pride is their jiggles! Oh, why haven't I found that part of the world...I've heard about it...but haven't discovered it yet! I am sure I would pack up and move there!!!! I guess it is all in the eyes of the beholder! I have had 3 children, 3 C-sections, all in the past 5 years! I've struggled with preeclampsia through 2 pregnancies (this is a lovely thing that not only is harmful for the baby b/c of all the toxins in my blood...but helps me gain LOTS AND LOTS of weight!) So, along with my 3 precious children that God has so blessed me with, He has also blessed me with 30 extra pounds of pure, raw JIGGLE! And this jiggle is the hardest thing to get rid of! I am trying though! 100% trying with all my might! So, in the mean time...while I am trying to rid myself of these extra UNWANTED pounds....I will try and look at my jiggle like Emmy...and know that I am "fearfully and wonderfully made"...JIGGLE AND ALL!


Ben and Audrey said...

this post cracked me up. i completely understand where you are coming from. weight has never been my friend. i had preeclampsia with Jack and i'm just praying that it isn't an issue with Jovie. and by the time Jovie gets here, i will have had 2 csections in a period of 14-15 months!!! aaaahhhhh!! but babies are SO worth it!!

i haven't learned to embrace my jiggle, but maybe i'll get there. hopefully i can loose some of it first!!

p.s. when you find "that" part of the world, please let me know. i will gladly move there with you!!!

Jennifer Sabo said...

I love this...
When you find this place please let me know. I want to move there also.