Thursday, October 15, 2009


Have you ever say and thought about the extreme coolness it is that we have means of communication with the God of the universe? The very one who spun the world into motion, speaks to each of us in the most intimate way! He has given us His very own words and thoughts, spelled out in a language that we can actually understand...and then He tells us to pray, to talk to Him daily! He tells us that we simply don't have, b/c we fail to ask! He desires us to come to Him...He LOVES our conversations! sweet! So amazingly wonderful to know that I serve a God who not only knows my name, the very number of hairs on my head, but also listens and SPEAKS to me!

My kids love to pray. We pray about everything! But I have never been strict on telling them to "pray with their eyes closed". Why? Why would I? Why do we pray with our eyes closed? It isn't in the Bible...the best explanation I have ever gotten was from my dad. He said it is because it helps us not get distracted. And very true! But sometimes it is so fun to keep our eyes wide open! Have you ever watched people pray. I love the expressions on people's faces when they are in deep conversation with the Lord. It is like stealing a peak into the most intimate moment with them and their Creator! I love it! I don't know if they would love knowing I am watching...but it is still a very surreal moment.

I truly love my Lord! He thought of everything...and knew exactly what we needed! Don't we serve an awesome God!

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