Saturday, April 17, 2010

8:00 o'clock!

When Wes was little, we taught him how to tell time...well, we taught him what 8:00am looked like on the digital clock! That way, we could tell him to stay in bed until 8 and he would understand! We were VERY happy with this set-up! B/c he knew he wasn't allowed out of his room until 8:00am! And as Emmy got older, we taught her the same thing. It was fabulous! It gave me, Mommy, a couple hours in the morning all to myself! And I could plan my morning around the fact that I KNEW my children would not get up before that clock turned 8!

I am a scheduler. I put my babies on a schedule from the beginning! People have given me MANY reasons why this is absurd...but it worked gloriously for this family! (I give much and almost all credit to the book, BABYWISE) So, in scheduling my children's routine, I plan for the morning to begin at 8am. Luke's "clock" doesn't wake up until 8 as well. Not every day is this true for our little guy...but most days he won't start talking in his crib until this very hour. I LOVE IT! But, the only downside to this wonderful theory, is that when Saturday morning dawns...and we have stayed up entirely TOO late the night soon as that clock hits 8:00am, I hear the pitter-pat of feet running down the hall to inform me of the time and that they are ready to start the day! So, as much as I love our "rule" six days of the week...I miss my Saturday morning sleep-ins. Oh well, one day I will probably miss the pitter-pat of those feet. So, I am trying to remember to enjoy the phase of life I am living in now:)

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