Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Today Wes asked a question that made me smile. He asked..."Why did God make GREATparents?" I said, "You mean GRANDparents?" He looked at me like i was making no sense at all..."no, i mean GREATparents. You call them that b/c they are GREAT!" Tis true...grandparents are great...and I am so thankful for the ones God has placed in my life and my children's. I feel so blessed to know that my kids are so loved...I love you guys...thanks for always investing the best of you into Wes and Emmy. They know your love...i can see it when they talk about you or even just hear your name. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Tell Wes that I think "greatparents" are for roots that the "greatkids" can grow on. With each union and generation our roots go deeper and wider. The parent gets to choose which roots their children stand and grow on. In this way, we should be able to just keep getting better and better. Deb and I wish we could see our greatkids more, but that's the nature of our world today. (Everyone spreads out) Nice blog. Did someone set this up for you or did you do it yourself? "Hi" to my "GREAT" grandkids. Grandpa A

Anonymous said...

I think your parents haven't aged since they left Korea! The cold weather of Alaska must agree with them. :)

We miss you guys!!!