Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sweet Kiddos

Wes and Emmy are eating a cookie at their little table. Wes is so good about sharing with his little sister! She adores her brother! For the most part they play great together...except for the times Emmy tries to destroy Wesley's artwork...then he can get pretty upset! Wesley loves to draw and he especially loves writing his name. He pracitces all the time!

And guess what Emmy learned today? She learned how to twirl in circles. She spun around and around and around...she thought it was the greatest thing in the world! Except the bumping into walls part! Then she would get REALLY mad...but after mommy kissed her boo-boos better...she would have at it again! She is the spunkiest, most determined, hard-headed little girl I have ever met! She has a very strong will...and what she wants...she is bound and determined to get! Learning to obey is a very long and hard process...but once she gets it...she is so proud of herself for making mommy and daddy happy! She grins and claps...she likes to do what is just takes her a while to realize it:) She fills my days will challenge and joy! I am so blessed!

1 comment:

Kristine and Jesse said...

I think she is going to grow up to be another feminist dancer!!! Go Emmy! :)