Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Daddy

The phone rings.  In the middle of cutting up chicken for dinner, taking cookie sheets out of the oven, I answer.  Daddy.  He rarely ever calls me.  He is busy.  He isn’t much of a phone-talker.  But neither am I.  The timer is buzzing from the oven, another batch of cookies ready to come out.  I am balancing one sheet in one hand while trying not to drop the phone. 

And then I hear his words.  “Thank you for believing in me.”   He called just to say his thanks.  And tears quickly spring to my eyes.  Nothing elaborate.  Just a simple “thank you” turned my crazy, chaotic day into a memory that will last for a lifetime.  The act of believing, the words of encouraging, the time of investing…he noticed and he gave back.  My heart stills within me.  Love overwhelms and I give my “thankful” back to the Lord. 

How blessed I am to have a father who lives with integrity.  This moment is good…and I offer up my praise to the good-moment Maker! 

1 comment:

Kate Kubler said...

I literally think we have the sweetest dads. Such men of wisdom, integrity, honesty, and Godliness. So thankful for them both.