Sunday, January 4, 2009

-50 below~

I am truly in love with Alaska...but not THIS Alaska winter! It hasn't gotton above -35 below in over 2 weeks. Right now it is -49 below! That is crazy! We haven't left the house in 4 days! We have caught a HUGE case of cabin fever! I have errands to run tomorrow...but the thought of taking my kids out in this weather is frightful! BUT, life goes on. People still go to work, the store, even the movies! You get used to it. I am still in that "getting used to it" phase. I lived in North Carolina for 2 years where they would shut down the whole town if the weather even PREDICTED snow! Travis was off work one day b/c it was "suppose" to get "bad"...yet not one snowflake ever fell! Thinking about that here seems unbelieveable! I have a friend who grew up here...the schools are still open at -75 degrees! I think attendance is optional, but her parents had "opted" for her to there she was, sitting in her desk, while the world outside was frozen solid!

I just thought I would share...sometimes it is hard to grasp the differences between this state and all the rest! This is truly a different country!

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