Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year's!

Happy New Year! WOW! 2009! How time flies! Just thought I would blog a few things I am expecting from this brand new year!


1. A successful eye surgery for Emmy Grace!

2. An event free pregnancy!

3. A beautifully healthy new Anderson baby!

4. A new sister-in-law:)

5. A huge black bear hanging on my wall!

6. A freezer full of MOOSE meat this fall:)

7. A new and improved "skinnier" Blair by Christmas:)

8. A more intimate relationship with Jesus!

9. A five year old in Kindergarten! YIKES!

10. A more relaxed, more time-filled days just sitting and "BEING" a mom:)

That is all for right now. I know that I expect lots more but this will do for now. New beginnings are so wonderful! Starting fresh! A year ahead filled with adventures to be lived, moments to be spent, stories to be written, breaths to be taken, dreams to be fulfilled! AWWW! So much to look forward too! SO EXCITING!

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