Friday, January 23, 2009

A "Night In"....

I love those days where I KNOW for sure we are having a "night in"! I get so excited planning what we will eat, what we will do, etc... Our family is always on the go! Which isn't a bad thing...we just loving going and doing, living life to it's fullest! But every family needs those nights in! Where you stay at home, watch movies or play games, and just enjoy each others company! Tonight we are having one of those nights...and I am beside myself with excitement! I'm making a big pot of chili, and we rented a bunch of movies, bought all the junk food you can imagine, and we are camping it out at home this Friday evening! It's so fun b/c almost anything goes when we have a "night in". Bedtimes kind of DISAPPEAR, many times tents or forts APPEAR, our healthy eating habits run right out the window! The kids really like these laid back nights...they are the center of attention and have our undivided attention as well! If you don't have a tradition of these amazing "nights in"...I would HIGHLY recommend them!

1 comment:

Paula said...

I just discovered your blog from reading about you on Facebook. So fun to keep up with friends. I've become a FB addict lately. Your blog is fun to read. Keep 'em coming.