I have learned many things since becomming a parent...and I have prayed through things I had learned to be true as a child and found for myself what I believe in as truth and what I believed just b/c it was what I had always known.
One major thing Travis and I have come to own as far as our belief system...is how we want to introduce the plan of salvation to our children. Growing up in a Southern Baptist Church, I was taught that once I prayed and asked Jesus into my heart, I was saved. My salvation was based upon that prayer in order to call myself a Christian. But through much study...I don't believe this to be true. Travis and I have worked with teenagers over the past couple of years, and in listening to their "testimonies" we have discovered that many of their stories are the same. They were saved at a very young age but aren't walking with the Lord any more. They base their salvation on a prayer they prayed at the age of 4 or 5...but don't truly understand that being a Christian is a daily relationship...a constant walking with Jesus day in and day out! It is like they see their "prayer" as a "get to heaven free card" and can kinda live like they want without any reprecusions. It is truly scary...B/c I believe with this teaching, many people will stand before the Lord one day and He will say "depart from me, I never knew you."
So, in talking to Wesley and Emmy Grace (and Luke one day), we read to them the scriptures. We don't try and make it toddler friendly. We explain who God is and that He sent His Son into the world to stand in our place. We have taught them, and are teaching them, Romans 10:9-10. We are trying to live out what it means to follow Jesus everyday of our lives. It isn't an easy task...b/c we fail and fall all the time. But we don't want our kids to think for a second that following after Christ is a flippant thing you can do in church one day and then that is it! We want them to understand that seeking Jesus is a priveledge. And that it isn't of us at all! It is all God who seeks after us first, finds us, rescues us, and gives us the strength to follow after Him.
So, all this to say, the other day Wesley found me upstairs doing my Bible Study. He wanted to know what I was doing...in the course of our converstion he told me that he was a follower of Jesus. We talked about what that meant and he knew his stuff dead on. He then told me that he needed to be baptized. When I asked him why his response was this..."B/c Mommy, Jesus was baptized and I have to obey what he did. I want to show other people that I am a follower of Jesus. It is just what I got to do." My heart was rejoicing. Of course I had the normal questions in the back of my mind..." is he old enough to truly understand?...am I putting pressure on him to do this?....does he really mean this?...." With all my heart I want my children to know and follow after Jesus! I desire with all of who I am that they seek after Christ early on in their life...that God would spare them a life of stumbling around in the dark trying to find the truth! I want them to be bold and courageous in their faith! I believe with all my heart that Wesley is a follower of Jesus. His heart is so sensitive to the things of the Lord. He asks deep questions about the Lord. He wants to know everything. We talked about what being a follower of Jesus means...that it isn't a one time prayer and then you never have to think about it again. I do believe that once you acknowledge you are a follower of Jesus, that will never change. But it is a daily committment. It is something that we must follow after all the days of our life! It isn't a "get out of jail free" card. He really seemed to understand. I have a peace about it. Who am I to tell my son he isn't a follower of Jesus. In his almost 6 year old heart...he knows. He has no doubts. He is the "faith of a child" that Christ talks about.
So, on Easter Sunday, Wes will be baptized. (all of this is coming from him. Travis and I have put on pressure on him at all) He is so excited. He can't wait to show the world that he loves and follows after Jesus! I am so excited as well. My baby boy is growing up...and already growing into a Godly man who seeks first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness!
Just wanted to share:)
Courage to Answer God’s Call: Saying Yes to God
6 hours ago
first. i couldn't agree more about salvation. it is not based on a prayer but a day to day faith, trust & obedience placed in Christ. we MUST be changed!!
such truth you wrote about!
next. how sweet is little wes?! what a doll. i'm so happy that Jesus has been working in his little heart & that he will be baptized on easter sunday (which is also my birthday!!) i pray that he always follows Christ & is always so sensitive to His leading!
so excited for you & Travis. thanks for posting about this! love you!
So happy for Wes! What a blessing for you to see your child come to know the Lord at a young age.
How wonderful! I agree with you so much. I grew up just like you and so did Jeff. We prayed a prayer and then years later questioned it again and again. Then I found peace in 1 John.
I know that Jesus came to earth, lived a perfect life, and shed his blood for us. I have accepted this and I believe this. Sometimes I think it is hard for us (in our grown-up-reason-it-out brains) to believe that salvation is so easy for us and so simple for us. It wasn't easy for Jesus though. And it's that gift of grace that we accept by faith. I know that I was saved when I was seven and even though I've been through times when I wasn't following Him as closely as I should've been, I am thankful beyond words though that I did come to know Him at a young age.
1 John 5:13-14
He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
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