Monday, January 25, 2010

A New Baby

So, by the subject of the post, you probably think I am about to tell you I AM HAVING A NEW BABY. Well, it isn't is my sweet cousin who is having her second today. I am so excited for her. But in reading all of her posts about the baby, I am wanting a new one too. I know, I know...I have expressed DEEPLY my desire to be DONE having babies...but in the moment...the desire to have another one is pretty overwelming. I LOVE KIDS! Especially mine. They are the greatest. They are so much fun! YES< AND LOTS OF WORK...but the fun outweighs the work part. I love being a mommy...and a wife. Luke is doing so much better and he is already 6 months old. Can you believe it? And so, as I sit here and write, I want another baby. I am sure my feelings will change...and tomorrow I will laugh at this post...but for today, that is my desire. We shall see. Good thing God knows our TRUE heart's cry and knows what we need! I love being His kid, cuz I don't have to worry...He has got it all figured out!

1 comment:

Kacie said...

Hi! I read Audrey's blog and saw yours. My baby is 5 months old and I already want to have another one! It's insane how quickly we forget, isn't it? :)