Christmas! It's here! I love this time of the year! It is my all time favorite! And one of the biggest reasons why I love it...there is so much joy! Almost EVERYONE shares a little more, loves a little harder, gives a little more freely. Smiles aren't bottled up...songs are sung without apprehension...others are placed before ourselves! But most of all, Jesus is ever present in our thoughts and hearts! We celebrate His birth! We remember His death. We rejoice at His resurrection. And our souls long for His 2ND coming! There is unity. It feels as though all the bad and ugly, all the worries and strife's, all the stress and pettiness melts away for a brief moment and we come together to acknowledge that there is a God, Whose plan is bigger than our very existence. His Son was sent to redeem our lost and sinful souls. We submit to the purpose of furthering HIS KINGDOM, not our own. And nothing this world throws at us can replace our eternal home, where our Heavenly Father waits with open arms! It creates such excitement within me that I don't know how to express the joy flowing through my veins! JESUS!
Christmas! Celebrate our Savior! Celebrate like never before! His story is so beautiful. And His story was conceived for salvation of you and me! Unworthy sinner that I am....I hold a place in heaven b/c of our mighty God's unfathomable grace! Praise His Name! Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Wesley's Day
There are so many posts I want to many things to catch up on! It feels like it has been so long that I was away from blogging! But that will have to wait for another time. Right now, I have to brag on my sweet son! Wesley Anderson is one of the sweetest, kindest, tender-hearted children I have ever met! He loves people! He loves to make people laugh, make them happy, make them smile! He is the biggest help! He never EVER complains about helping me out at home, with the other kids, or doing WHATEVER needs to be done! He is constantly thinking of others first...his sister or or Daddy! My heart feels like it will explode sometimes for the joy I feel just being his mom!
Today we dedicated the WHOLE day to Wes! Since my surgery and Travis hurting his leg, we have had to depend on that boy more than any 6 yr old boy should be depended on! His responsibilities tripled and he never batted an eye! He rolled with it and even had fun with it! He learned to change diapers (seeing as changing diaper requires 2 hands), do the dishes, fold laundry, pump gas, and the list goes on! (of course all of these activities were supervised:) But it blessed my heart to see him jump right in and do what needed to be done, just b/c we needed it! We didn't have to threaten or bribe him...he willingly served! So, once we were feeling better, we told him we wanted to honor his servant's heart and reward him with a day filled with whatever he choose to do! He was beside himself with excitement!
Our day began by sleeping in this morning:) Then we all went to see the new Narnia movie! (great movie) After that we took him to Fred Meyer to spend his Christmas money from Nana and Grandpa! (that was a BIG hit!) After which we had some lunch and went downtown for Winter Solstice with Daddy to watch him play banjo! The kids got to sit with Santa and take pictures! We then played Putt Putt golf, and Wesley won! After that we ate dinner, at Wesley's request, at Chili's! And to finish off the night we watched the fireworks downtown! It was a perfect day! I am so thankful for my family! Each child God has blessed me with is so special and unique...and I couldn't imagine my life without any one of them! Thank You Lord for my family! And tonight, I thank You especially for Wes!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Winter Wonderland!
One of the greatest parts of living in Alaska is the snow! We LOVE IT! We love to play in it! Daddy, Wes and Emmy spent the greater part of one afternoon building this new friend! They had so much fun! Isn't he the cutest! We really enjoy riding on our snow-machine! It is cold though! BRRRRRRRRRR!
/ We all wanted a ride!
It was too cold for Lukey on the snow-machine but he had a blast helping daddy shovel the driveway! He really thought he was big stuff!
And I can't keep this little guy out of the snow! Just walking from the house to the car he will purposely fall into the snow, eat the snow, sit in the snow, run in the snow, hide in the snow, or throw the snow! This child is ALL BOY! He is such a stinker! This is him making his infamous "Cheezer" face! I love it!
The 2010 NutCracker Ballet
We have a new tradition! Every Christmas season, we take Emmy to the Nutcracker! It is so much fuN! We (meaning me, my mom, and Emmy) get all dressed up, go out for a nice, fancy dinner, and then to the ballet! It is great! Emmy Grace LOVES it! She looks forward to it all year long. Now granted, we live in Fairbanks, it isn't the grandest ballet in the world...but they do a nice job for out little town.
Here is Emmy all dressed up ready to go to dinner and the ballet! So excited! Doesn't she look so grown up!
Mommy and Emmy Grace! Emmy said I was as beautiful as Mrs. Jennifer! Not a princess, but Mrs. Jennifer! She thinks the world of my sweet friend!
Mimi and her girl! She loves my mom probably just a little bit more than me! Mimi hung the moon in her book! It blesses my heart to see the joy in their relationship! My mom is the greatest Mimi in the world! I'm glad that she got to be apart of this night with us! We met up with a friend of mine, Molly, and her sweet little girl Jaime! Emmy Grace and Jaime are great friends! They were all dressed up together and danced the night away every chance they got pretending to be "sugar-plum fairies" and beautiful "dancers"! Love it!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Im Back!
Well, here I am again! Finally back! It has been entirely too long! But you see, when your writing/typing arm/hand is operated delays blogging and emailing and journaling! It has been torture to me! But I am finally on the mend...and feeling much better! Still in a splint, so these next few posts may be short, but I wanted to update our last couple of months!
I did have surgery on my arm. For Carpal Tunnel syndrome. It was painful and NO FUN! But I have been learning alot! Sometimes I believe God wants to strip all control away from us so that we will look 100% to HIM! I haven't learned painlessly...for so many times I go kicking and screaming! I resist the awesome work God wants to do in my life...fearful of the unknown. But through much prayer and encouragement from some very dear friends, God has begun speaking to my heart once again...and my soul has felt alive like never before!
This is my ulitmate favorite part of the year! I love celebrating! LIfe, Joy, Christmas, Family, Worship, Jesus! It is the best of all best! I feel the "party" all around me! It inspires me to live to the fullest! And it is so beautiful to celebrate with my children! The pure delight of every mystery unveiled...the light as it shines in their eyes as we tell stories, sing songs, bake cookies, give gifts to friends, eat and enjoy family and friends! I have so much more to write...but this will have to do for tonight...sorry to have been away for so long:)
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Horses in the Snow!
Wes just finished up his riding lessons for the year. At 22 degrees, it is a bit chilly to ride horses! But he did! And he loved it! He just told me that all he needed was a couple of extra pair of gloves for his hands and he would be just fine! We love his lessons, all the kids have a blast playing while he rides! I'm so thankful that he has had this opportunity! He will resume riding in the spring. Until then, we will be doing swimming lessons and x-country skiing lessons! So excited for all that God has allowed us to do!
Daddy and Luke watching brother ride! LUKE LOVES the horses!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Have you ever longed for something so heavily that words could not explain the feeling so deep inside? This morning as I sit writing, thoughts of Korea are on my heart. How I loved it there! That will always be a special place to me! I love serving overseas! It is a passion within my soul that only God could have ever set aflame! And it is funny, b/c in "serving" overseas, I have always been "served" far more than my heart could have ever given! God has used those times in my life to break me, mold me, completely remodel my heart into something that resembles more of Him! Why there? Why not here? I've thought of those questions many times...sit and pondered within myself. Here are a few conclusions I have reached...
1. I think being away from your home country makes one vulnerable in ways never before experienced. You are no longer on your own "turf". The language is foreign, the soil is foreign, the culture and people are all different that your "normal". You are FAR from your comfort zone...and it puts you in a place sensitive to God like never before. You are depending on Him in ways that you never have thought necessary. He is all of a sudden, needed EVERY step! Literally!
2. You have chosen to forsake what is "home" to venture out and fulfill the "great commandment." Yes, I know that you can do that here, in the states as well. But when you are willing "go" to a foreign land, you are making a choice to be uncomfortable. So, when the discomfort comes, you expect it. You even smile in the midst of it. B/c you are right where God wants you to be and YOU KNOW IT! Living here, in our normal day to day lives, we forget that we called to "be set apart". We loose focus of our calling to tell others the "good news". We get caught up in "getting ahead" "making a name" for climbing ladders...gaining riches...attaining status...bettering ourselves, that we forget about the KINGDOM PURPOSE that all of us believers are called unto!
3. We are on an adventure! All of a sudden, our normal life has taken on this great and crazy adventure! Everything is "different". Fascinating! Just venturing to the grocery store has become a wild excursion! I believe your senses are heightened! You take in everything as new and exciting! All of a sudden, grapes and oranges are the grandest things b/c of the unique and cute packaging! You are eager to drink it all in...eager to learn and experience life in new and wonderful ways! Talking to strangers is a fun and challenging undertaking! You smile at everyone you see, b/c you are different! You notice them noticing YOU! You stand out! And for the first time ever, you love it!
So why is it, that in our own neighborhood, we try so hard to "fit in". We want to even "blend in". We don't want to stand out...we walk with our heads down trying to make it back to our little homes unnoticed and untouched. We don't want to talk to anyone...we are selfish with our time! Smiling and engaging strangers is the LAST thing on our agenda! And heaven forbid we become FLEXIBLE! We have our schedules...and they must be met! Lord help the ones who get in our way!
4. And one last conclusion I've reached is...COMMUNITY! That is something my soul longs for daily! The feeling of community you have overseas in a Christian environment is unbeatable! I have been on many mission trips in my life, and that is one of my favorite things by far! The feeling of connecting with other believers, the joining of hearts, the unifying under the Spirit of God...nothing in all the world can top that! You are all there with one heart, one purpose! You share in each others joy and triumphs, and weep in sorrow for each others struggles and failures. Friendships are formed for eternity! Real, honest, truthful relationships are built and love is formed that knows no end!
These are just a few thoughts that I have been reflecting on this morning. God has been BEYOND good to me! He has allowed me to be apart of His and afar! He has allowed me to meet some of His favorite children...and share in their lives here on earth! He has woven friendships within my heart that will stand until eternity! And the precious souls that He has used to help mold me into His most glorious creation...let me just tell you..."we are gonna dance together on those streets that are golden!" We will one day worship our King, hand in hand, before His very throne! I am so thankful that I have had the privilege of knowing you this side of heaven...and I can't wait for the day that we will...."join in the song of the Lamb!"
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
"Gearing" up!
Hormones, how I hate you some days! The past week has been "not so great" of a week! I have been down! Depressed! Sad! Out of sorts! Normally, I am a pretty up-beat kind of girl! I roll with the punches and can get out of a funk pretty quickly. But my latest "funk" has lasted all of a week and I am NOT liking it at all! I felt like I couldn't get my "happy" rolling! I prayed, spent some time with my friends, chatted with my momma, hung out with my hubby, laughed at my crazy kiddos, but inside I felt icky. (I am also a HUGE people person!) So, when being around people didn't help me...I just sat down and cried! A good, long CRY!
And then, after about an hour of so, I determined..."THIS HAS GOT TO COME TO AN END!" No one wanted to be around me...goodness, I didn't even want to be around me.
So, this morning, I woke up early with the very intent of laying some stuff down on the alter! I needed this "pity-party" feeling to END! And glory to God, it did! I was reading in Eph. 6 and realized I hadn't put the "armor of God" on in so long. My defenses were down...Satan was throwing all his fiery darts my way and I was getting slammed at every turn. So, I had a "gearing" up moment...and peace and joy flooded my soul! And let me tell you, this day has been wonderful! Every dart cast my direction has fallen short...cuz I am protected, aware, and ready to face those giants head on! What a wonderful claim our victory and WALK IN IT! Thank You Lord!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
I Love You Lindsay!
Friends are wonderful! The fact that God is a relational God thrills my soul! And the fact that He made us women relational excites me and inspires me! I love relationships! Whether old or new...young or aged...near or far...relationships are the heartbeat of my life. People are my hobby! I love to talk and to listen. I love people's stories! You can always see God's design, just listening to people's joys and failures...their victories and blessings. God is good...and I love to discover His thread of goodness in the lives around me.
And today, as I was busy at home...doing school with the kids, baking cookies for Bible Study tonight, folding laundry, cleaning the house, organizing toys...I finally had a minute to sit and look at my blog. And one of my favorite things happened! I had someone who left a comment on things that I had written. See, I love to if you couldn't tell! This whole "blogging" world is so much fun for me...b/c it gives a glimpse inside peoples inner-most parts of their lives. People blog about all sorts of stuff...and I love reading the stories...the recipes...seeing the pictures of their precious little people! It is a joy! And...I love to write about my life have an outlet to release my thoughts and prayers. SO...When someone comments on my is like Christmas to my heart! Like unwrapping a present! Even if that person doesn't agree with what I have said, it is still fun to communicate! And today, one of my dearest, sweetest friends commented TWICE! It blessed my heart to no degree! I love you Lindsay! You encourage my heart so many days! Your blog is always God-honoring...your life is spent loving on the precious loved ones around you. I count it an honor to be called your friend. How many days have I spent praying for you, Rodney and Jeff. I just know that if I lived closer to you girl, we would be "bosom buddies". For your passionate desire for our Lord inspires me and draws me closer to our Creator! So, I just wanted to give a "shout out" to a very dear girl who gave me reason to smile and rejoice today! Thanks Lindsay Sublet!
Monday, October 18, 2010
It's late. THe world is asleep. All is quiet. Still. Peaceful. And as I look out my window, it's SNOWING! Perfect snow! Big, fluffy, snowflakes floating from the sky! I love the snow. There is little else that compares. The actual snowfall is unbeatable, HANDS DOWN! To stand in an open field, and look up at the big sky as the snow falls all around you...there is nothing like it in the world. That moment is perfect! It is serene. To stand in the falling snow...everything else disappears. The noise of everyday life is left for just a moment...the world is hushed. You can feel the pressence of the Lord as He enjoys His great creation. You can almost hear Him laughing in delight over the magnitude of the beauty He designed!
Tonight was the first snowfall of the year...well, the first TRUE snowfall. It just keeps falling...covering everything. I couldn't stand sitting inside. I know it is late, and the kids are sleeping, but I just had to be out in it! So, I bundled up and went and played in the snow! Yes, by was a moment my soul needed! And in that moment, I felt God's loving arms engulf me! He surrounded me with the most perfect, complete, and awe-inspiring hug I have ever been apart of! I felt Him! I heard Him. In the stillness of the night...I heard Him shout my name in the Whisper of my soul! He loves me! He created me! And he created this night...for me and Him! One of the most amazing moments of my life.
Friday, October 15, 2010
God is Light...and in Him there is no darkness at all!
What kind of stand are you willing to take? Do you stand upon the Word of God with passion and faith...willing to bend for no man? Do you stand firm? Or are you wobbling...fearing a fall at the next breath of disagreement? Truth is raw! It isn't watered down, smoothed over, or socially acceptable. It is what it is! God's truth is what will set us free from the snares of this world. His truth alone is what will bring us to glory!
Why this sudden definition of truth? Well, every year around this time, the discussion of "Halloween" becomes a topic of choice. People take all kinds of stands on this subject. Some hate it, others embrace it, some LOVE it, others ignore it...but few are willing to define it. Well, for the sanity of my own soul, I need to define it...and here is my outlet!
The origin of Halloween wasn't intended for evil. It orginated in Scottland and Ireland. The original purpose was innocent enough. But, that was LONG ago...and we are responsible to respond to what it has become today. We say it is all fun and games...a time to dress up and have a "good time". We, as parents, don't want our children to be the only ones on the block who don't get to participate in trick-or-treating. It is harmless right? Purely innocent. BUT...the reality ISN'T. In our day and time, this "holiday" is intended for all kinds of evil. To convince yourself otherwise is foolish. 1Timothy states that..."Perfect love casts out all fear. And that God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love and of power and of a sound mind." Halloween lives to create and instill fear into peoples hearts. All the way down to the is intended for evil...NOT FOR GOOD! We can justify our sweet little children's costumes of Peter Pan and Cinderella...and say that we are not representing "evil"...but the fact is, participating in this day is teaching our children that it is okay to overlook the wicked all around us, instead of standing against it and living out our calling to "Be set apart from the world".
We need to open our eyes...look around us. What this "holiday" promotes has NOTHING God honoring about it. The movies, the decorations, the costumes...and that is just the commercialized part. Let's not overlook the truly disturbing aspects...the pure evil and satanic realm that is so easily ignored...but VERY much carried out. Satan has a field day with this "holiday" b/c we have chosen to close our eyes to what is represented and even take part!
The Bible doesn't come straight out and say..."Halloween is a sin." But it does say that "witchcraft" is...any kind of "sorcery" is a sin. Our fight is not against flesh and blood...but of a spiritual realm that we can not see with our least not all the time. But it is war always.
When I was 7yrs old, we lived in Texas. A small town. My dad was a pastor of a church right off the highway. My brother and I played out front everyday. Until one day. The police came to our front door and warned my mother that, just down the road, a practicing cult had plans to kidnap and sacrifice my 5yr old, blond hair, blue eyed little brother for Halloween. They did something like this every year...on October 31st. And this year they had targeted my brother. PRAISE God we were warned. But we lived in fear for a time...not allowed to go outside...fear. And even though God kept my little brother safe that year, another child was killed in honor of this grand "holiday". Fear paraded it's ugly self in fine array that year. How is that God honoring?
I had a second cousin who seemed to have it all together. She was a beautiful girl...full of life. Until one day, on October 31st, she drew a pistol to her head and fired the trigger. She had dedicated herself to Satan. She had gone through a ceremony...a satanic ritual... to become his bride. She killed herself so that her soul could go on to live with him forever. She had been blinded by the darkness that seeks so earnestly someone to devour.
Many things take place this night...many things that we choose to ignore and pretend doesn't exsist. But the "face" of this holiday says defines itself.
Evil. It is out there...all around us. We must stand and claim our victory.
I am passionate about this...but I am not trying to "push" it on you. This is where I stand. This is how I want to raise my children. To love the truth. To dance in the LIGHT. To stand firm against Satan and all his resist him and know that he will flee. It feels good to be have purpose. It is lonley sometimes...not many agree. But it is okay. Walk in the LIGHT. Leave the darkness behind...all forms and all it represents. Because..."GOD IS LIGHT! And in Him there is no darkness at all!"
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Judging Others
Judge. We all do. Some of us more than others. Some of us louder than others. But we all take part in something that NONE of us ever should! God is the ultimate Judge...the only rightful ONE. He is the only One who has the accurate ability and reason to do so. He is the only One who looks into our heart. 99% of assumptions are wrong! We judge NEVER knowing everything involved. Oh, we might have a pretty good perception of the situation, but we can't see motives, or hearts, or souls. Yet, we throw our opinions around like they actually matter...and they do matter...but mostly only to us. And we say hurtful things b/c it makes us "feel better" or makes us think of ourselves a little better than someone least for the moment! We enjoy the judgement...just so long as it isn't cast our way. Funny though, the ones who judge.
...there is always someone out there ready to cast blame, dish out judgement, throw their stones, or see the speck in their brother's eye. But, my thought for the day is why don't we stop. Why don't we start spending all that time we USED to spend thinking of what others are doing wrong, and use that time to reevaluate our own lives. Spend that time praising Jesus that He is not just the Judge, but our LOVER and MASTER as well. I think that our lives would be holier if we did that. B/c judging someone else takes the spotlight off of me...and as long as we can keep the light on someone else, we don't have to look inside our own hearts and see what God is telling us to change, to correct, to repent of, or to celebrate in! I judge...I do. But I am trying to change love others and when tempted to cast judgement, to pray for them and ask God to reveal to them what He sees fit! gets alot sweeter with that perspective! I promise!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
We are more than the choices that we make. We are more than the successes that line our memory wall. We are more than the failures that people seem to always remember. We are more. We are more than the reflection staring us back in the mirror. We are more than the status people label us. We are more than the relationships that define our days, our moments, our years. We are more. We are VICTORIOUS! We are CHILDREN OF A KING. A KING who rules the heavens and is coming back for this earth! We are rescued, saved, chosen! We are more than the sin that entered the world with our first cry! We are a royal preisthood, a chosen generation. We are a people who the God of this universe created with His very own breath! We are worth HIS Son dying to bring us life! We are covered in the blood of a perfect, sacrificial LAMB! We are HIS!
So, let nothing else define you. Let nothing else steal the miracle that you were set aside to represent! B/c friend, you are HIS! I am HIS! And b/c of that, I am more!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Colorful Smiles
Saturday, September 25, 2010
A Purpose, A Plan, A Future
God is in control! His ways are much higher than my ways. His thoughts are much higher than my thoughts. He sees the beginning, the middle AND the end. I only see where I am at the moment. He sees into my heart, my mind, my soul. And He also sees into my neighbor's heart, mind and soul! He is working...moving across our land...sweeping through streets, our schools, our churches, our workplaces, our battlefields. He is touching lives, piercing hearts, convicting souls. He knows what He is doing.
His plan for my life is not complete.
"He's still working on me.
To make me what I ought to be.
It took Him just a week to make the moon and the stars,
The sun and the earth and Jupitar and Mars.
How loving and patient He must be...He's still working on me.
There really ought to be, a sign upon my heart..
But I'll be perfect just according to His plan
Fashioned by the Master's loving hand."
He has a purpose for me. A plan. And praise His name, a future. I am just a work in progress.
And so is my neighbor, my friend, my children, my husband. We aren't perfect yet. But one day. We ought to judge remind ourselves everyday that we will be judged by the same measure we judge others. He is in the progress of perfecting us...but that progress just isn't complete yet. Praise His Name!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
A Blessed Suprise!
Have you ever had a rush of emotion flood over you TOTALLY unexpected! Today, as I was looking on facebook, I saw that my brother had posted his new pictures from his recent trip to Kenya, Africa! They were AMAZING! Beautiful, raw beauty! And as I viewed his magnificent photo album...feelings I haven't felt in years came bubbling to the surface! My eyes quickly filled with tears and my heart ached with an ache that only God can muster up!
15 years ago, God called me to Africa! It wasn't a loud, mighty voice. But it was a compassion so vivid and real that nothing could shake it! I wanted to discover why this yearning in my heart was so pressing, so overwhelming! I began to research and found an organization that sent teenagers on mission trips all over the world. It was Teen Missions International. (One of the grandest groups out there!) So, after praying and receiving a DIRECT answer from the Lord, I went! It was the most glorious experience of my life. From the first penny raised, to the final landing of my plane back in Memphis, TN...I felt the presence of the Lord. I immediately fell in love with that country. The people, the culture, the simplicity of life, the exotic beauty of nature untouched! It captured my heart and captivated my soul! I knew God would bring me back to that place one day...I left knowing there would be a return.
But since that time...many things have happened in my life. I graduated high school, moved to South Korea w/ my family to teach internationally, met and married an AMAZING man, have had 3 children, and am currently living in Alaska! Our lives are filled with fun and adventure everyday! I am thoroughly blessed and thankful for the path God has led me down!
So, in having a family and being married to a military man, I placed my desire for missions and Africa to the side, but praying that one day God would lead me down that path again! I firmly believe that God can call us to specific places or avenues for certain times...and then redirect when He sees fit! I love being a mother! I love my husband and love being his wife! It brings fulfillment to my being that words cannot express! God created me for this role! And I bask in the blessing of it all! But deep inside, there is still this burning passion to "Go and tell..." I still long for a life of complete abandonment and simple faith! I do live it quite frequently now...raising children and being in the is a definite mission field! But heart is connected to that place! I can't describe how I know...other than hearing the voice of God!
And today, as I looked at those pictures, I heard Him again! He CONFIRMED it in my spirit! HE said my name again...just as He did 15 years ago! I cannot begin to tell you the encouragement and celebration that flooded every fiber in my body! To know that He put the dream inside my heart...and the dream is still alive! We don't know our futures...we can't predict what will take place...but we can hear our Father and rest in the promises He gives. My heart is at mind is fixed on Him. I can't wait! The future will unfold as HE WILLS...but you can be sure of this fact...I WILL BE APART of that unfolding...cuz He whispered His promise over me and He is TRUE! I love it! I love that I am apart of something bigger than eyes can see, or ears can hear! I am apart of HIS STORY...and today, He gave me just a glimpse of how I will fit into it! Praise His Name!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Tired but Smiling.
It has been a week! A week of the good, the bad, and the VERY ugly and VERY beautifuL! How can so many different, wonderful, yet horrible things take place all in the span of one week? Yet, standing at the end, I look back and thank God for every moment. He is good! Period! Despite the drama and the headaches, despite the stress and physical exhaustion, God is good! He never changes. My circumstances change daily...but my God remains the same! He is loving, He is kind, and He is in control!@ OVer it all! And so my day can end in peace...even though the world around me is spinning out of control. B/c my God IS GOD! And He can hold even mess of chaos in the middle of His gentle hands! But not only hold it, He can shape it, and mold it, and fix it, and make it into something beautiful! And that is what He has done...with this mess of a girl...praise His mighty name!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
It's time to stop...deep breath....and look within. And without. What is our purpose? Why are we here? Time is just a moment. Eternity is breaking over the horizon...just a heartbeat away. Our souls are waiting to break of this gravity-bound, self-seeking, pleasure driven, now. Forever is beckoning us to jump in, feet first, completely and passionately forsaken to It's call! The call for reckless abandonment. To let go of all of who we are, and embrace a destiny bigger and more amazing than this world could ever hope to offer. It requires us to reject "comfortable, normal, socially acceptable" and embrace a life of "different, absurd, and challenging." Yet, it promises "JOY, PEACE, ACCEPTANCE, LOVE, CONTENTMENT". Our applause will no longer be from this world. It will be singular. The applause of heaven will billow much louder than the fading echos of human approval. And in that moment, our lives will have purpose. We will discover why we are here. We are here to bring glory to a Creator so Majestic that earth cannot keep Him contained! A God so holy that the angels cannot speak His name. A Father so loving that each tear of every child lies bottled in the palm of His hands. A Savior so giving that His scars bear every sin we have ever committed. We are here to shine His goodness and holiness to a lost and dark people who are hurting and alone. We are here to be a mirror of His plan.
So shine. Mirror His Love. Reflect His glory. Fade out of sight. May our agenda be nothing less than His alone. Free yourself of trival worries and cares. Embrace His Kingdom purpose. Let His light radiate out of you. And when it does, bask in His goodness. Empty your vessel, so that He can fill it up with all of who He is! You will not be disappointed. He will shine, and you will reap a blessing. HIM.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Glorious and Captivating Beauty
Life-breathing and Joy-Giving Beauty
Intricate Beauty
Unembarrassed Lavishness
Generous and Abundant Beauty
Unique and magnificent Beauty
Ripe, Lush, Exotic Beauty
Be Comforted!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The Band Plays Proud
I am so thankful for the country we live in! I am thankful for our freedom. Seeing the flag waving proud always brings a sense of gratitude and appreciation in my heart. And there is something about a military band...marching tall and strong...representing our men and women who give up their lives, their rights and their freedoms to keep ours in place! And when my husband is the leader of the band, I can't help it, but tears flow shamelessly!
He is such an amazing man! One who shows integrity in all he does! One who loves and honors our God! I am so proud to be his wife!
So, this is just another parade, in small town America, where the flag waves high, the band plays proud, the people clap and cheer. A small picture of the glorious freedom we share in the land we call the United States of America. Thank you to all the soliders and their families out there who sacrifice more than we will ever comprehend! God is good and faithful! Thank you!
Coughs and Bless-Yous!
Emmy exclaimed in the car yesterday as we were driving home from Mimi's house...
"Mommy, I think I am getting sick! I have a lot of coughs and blessyous!"
I just had to verify, "What do you have?"
"Alot of COUGHS and BLESS YOUS!"
That girl makes me smile everyday!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Busy. No time. Fleeting moments. Stuff. Craziness. Hectic. Insane. Busy. All words we use to describe our lives. All excuses to smooth over why we don't call, why we don't "stop by", why we don't read our Bibles, why we don't email a friend, why we don't keep in touch, why we don't blog, why we don't pray, why we don't reach out to others, why we don't make amends, why we don't take deep breaths, take long walks, inhale the scent of the rain, drink in the beauty of the passing flower, or be still before our Creator. Busy.
But with what? Life? That is what we say. The daily grind. Routine. Work. Kids. Church. Ministry. Bills. All of which is probably 100% accurate. All of those things HAVE to get done. They are all on our list of things to do. Everyday. And they keep us "B U S Y". But what of the things that waste our time. That steals our moments for pure NOTHINGNESS. The minutes that we waste being lazy. Filling our minds and hearts with foolishness. T.V. Internet. Shopping. Games. Mindless, numbing, wasted minutes in the scope of eternity. How do we categorize those moments in our lives. We don't ever use those excuses to explain our "busy" lives. But they are there. We are accountable for those moments as well as all the other noteworthy, accepted, and ones deemed "worthy".
I believe our lives wouldn't be quite as BUSY if we were to line all our moments up to the light of eternity. We would manage our time better. We would take longer walks. We would spend greater time with our Savior, conversing and learning of Him. We would enjoy creation more than our gadgets and technology. We would look for God more in the sunrise and the oceans waves and the morning dew and the brilliance of the night sky. We would dance in the rain and laugh more over spilt milk. We would be "quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath." We would love more furiously and judge less viciously. We would hear the whisper of the Almighty in the stillness of a moment to precious to let pass. BUSY would become AVAILABLE. And though our minutes in our days would still be filled, they would be spent soaking up all of the life God has blessed us with.
Just a thought from a VERY BUSY GIRL. But how this girl longs for more.
"Dear Lord, fix my mind on eternity. And let all else fall to the wayside. Use me for Your glory...and erase all my busyness with quiet, peaceful, reflections of Your plans, Your purpose, Your desires. I'm Yours! Fill me! I'm here."
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
A Great BIg God!
Has life ever spun so wildly out of control, that to hold on isn't even an option anymore? The craziness of the world's demands reaches an ear-piercing scream...and you are left frantically drowning in a sea of panic and despair. What we once knew to be good and normal and sane, has turned upside down and there is no longer any sense left to be made! And we are sinking...falling...tears streaming down as our precious grip of control slips right between our fingers. We know it is can never be put together again! How can God TRULY make any good of this mess we have found ourselves in? He is big...but this has to have reached His limits! Right? Have we forgotton so quickly? THe God we question is the same God who splashed color into the sky...Who sprinkled the land with flowers and the sky with stars!
He can't take His eyes off of us! He loves us too much! So throw the worries to the wind...because it is the Maker of the Universe who is holding our hands, smiling over every breath we take!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Our Heavenly Daddy
How blessed are we, as children of the King, to have a Father who loves us beyond our wildest imagination! To stand before a throne as a heir to a kingdom that we were brought into with acceptance and grace! To know that we haven't done one thing to earn our citizenship to this most holy place. In all of our eagerness and excitement...we come rushing in to this life demanding our rights and waiting for our rewards. In our most earnest desire to serve and worship our beloved King, we still fall short in our understanding. Even in our worship and adoration, we still need our Father's hand, guiding us and teaching us each step of the way! And how patient He lead us. How gentle He is in His direction. HE truly delights over us!
Watching my own sweet children fish with their daddy, it brought a picture to this amazing concept. "If our earthly fathers give to their children, how much more will your HEAVENLY Father do for His children?" Such beauty!
I watched as Daddy patiently threw in cast after cast. He wasn't bothered by Emmy's dancing about or singing loudly. He didn't get irritated when Wes would throw that occasional rock into the river, scaring off any fish that could possibly be interested in that little lure. He was there to show those babies how to catch a fish! He wanted them to grasp the excitement and thrill it was to bring in your very own fish! Sure, He knew what he was doing...and how it could have been done more efficiently if they had not been around. But he loves those two so much...and he wanted this experience to be theirs as well as his. He couldn't wait to see the wonder and amazement in their eyes as they reeled that first fish onto shore! Then, as Daddy reels in the little guy, carefully taking the hook out and showing the kids exactly what he had caught, they were truly filled with amazement. And how funny it was to see them boast in that first fish as if they had done the work...all the while their only involvement was just observing.
But that was all it took! Wes couldn't WAIT to get in on the action himself. Daddy knew this would happen. He had taught them well. So, as we gain confidence in our role as children of the KING, we want to do things ourselves. Yet, always knowing that our Daddy stands nearby...watching...observing...making sure we don't fall off course or screw things up TOO badly! He never leaves our side!
And lo and behold, we catch on! We begin to see the "fruit of our labor". We enjoy the kingdom and all it is and all it contains! We understand more clearly who we are and why we are here.
So... as we go about our day... playing in the rivers and streams of life...enjoying creation and all it has to offer...may we never forget....
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Relationships are a funny thing. I think that is where God has me right now...learning and enjoying so many wonderful (and interesting) relationships! Through relationships, I have come to see the heart of Jesus! He was all about relationships. He had parents, and siblings...friends and "best" friends. He had those He reached out too, those He enjoyed, those He probably chose to enjoy despite who they were at times...He walked this earth living out relationships everyday all day! But He also made time for the dearest and sweetest relationship of all to Him, that was His Father's! That was the relationship that strengthened all the rest...the one that fueled the others along! Without His relationship with His Father, the others wouldn't exsist.
And that is where i am these days. That is what I am learning...that no matter how many people are in my matter how many people come and go...if I am not putting my relationship with my HEAVENLY FATHER FIRST, I am no good for all the rest! I love people! All of them. If you asked me what my favorite hobby was, I'd say "PEOPLE". Talking with them, listening to them, laughing and playing with them! Worshiping with them. Praying and crying with them. People give me energy! Their stories are all testimony of God's goodness and grace! From the smallest of people to the oldest, their lives are gifts from the Lord...and I treasure the time I get to spend with each! From Maverick to Memaw...and all in between...I love relationships! Y et, sometimes, I allow these AWESOME relationships to consume me...I forget the Maker of the relationship, and allow the drama and problems to crowd the purpose of relationship at all! The glory and honor of Jesus! I lose focus...or misplace it maybe. But in the end...I get stressed out...I have no answers...I feel overwelmed! And life begins to not make sense anymore!
But thankfully I serve the Relationship Maker...who gently whispers my name. He draws me back unto Himself. He comforts me. He refreshes me. He leads me back into the relationship that gives life and purpose to all the rest. And I am found. I am whole. And life once again makes sense! I can once again enjoy the people that fill my days and my time. I can bask in their success, and mourn in their loss. I can offer the HOPE from the ONE who fills my nostrils with breath, and frees my heart to sing! And no matter how complex the relationship may be...or how easy that one may be to love...I no longer do it on my own! I do it with the wonder from on HIGH! I do it through the most amazing relationship known to man...the one between a sinner and a Savior!
Emmy's FAVORITE Gift!
Emmy with her new bike helmet! IT just had to be "princess" related! She is a princess no doubt!
A Cinderella Party
Emmy's 4th birthday was a Cinderella Party! She is pretty much OBSESSED with princess stuff at the we went all out! She had a BLAST! And so did mommy! I love having a little girl, who I can dress up, put bows in her hair, and spoil her rotten! And she is truly my girlie girl! I love it! Her friends all came dressed as pretty, pretty princesses as well. Us girls, we sure do love getting dressed up! No matter what age!